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Thread: appetite gone crazy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    appetite gone crazy

    my appitite has gone mad on me i want to eat all the time..
    just got off clen and cytomel......
    i need something that really suppresses my appitite
    can anyone help???
    thanks boys

  2. #2
    lol, Your body is telling you that it want to get big and fat ASAP!! JK but who know's?? Well anyways try drinking 2 full glasses of water before you eat and you won't eat as much. Hey remember if your body wants food its for a reason and starving yourself will make you loose muscle. Also if your not eating when your hungery kicks your body into a hyburnation mode where your metabolism slows down and your body stores fat. Be careful for the muscle loss though, consume omega fatty acids, vitimin E, whey protein, and L-Glutamine to prevent muscle break down, or else your gonna have a hell of a wicked fat rebound!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    thanks odin
    anyone else?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    try some 2mg nicotine gum and 200mg of caffiene between meals. It helps curb cravings, is not cancerous like cigarettes or dip, speeds metabolism, enhance metabolism by 6%, has neuroprotective properties, and is not addictive like cigarrettes or dip. It is the only thing that helped my Gf when coming off T3.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by WANNABE2BIG
    thanks odin
    anyone else?
    Your body is used to them drugs speading up your cycle and now thinks it to time to put weight back on. It's called homostasis, your body is trying to stay the same. It I were in your shoes, I would run a 4 week bulk cycle until your body is sick of putting on weight. I really think trying to fight this is gonna lead to muscle loss and finally your gonna get sick of it and gain the fat again. If your run a bulker and lift heavy your gonna put some muscle size on. Then run another cutter in couple months. It's called the Zig-Zag aproach and just because it's been around a while does not mean it does not work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Quote Originally Posted by prolangtum
    try some 2mg nicotine gum and 200mg of caffiene between meals. It helps curb cravings, is not cancerous like cigarettes or dip, speeds metabolism, enhance metabolism by 6%, has neuroprotective properties, and is not addictive like cigarrettes or dip. It is the only thing that helped my Gf when coming off T3.

    Thats really interesting!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Odin
    Your body is used to them drugs speading up your cycle and now thinks it to time to put weight back on. It's called homostasis, your body is trying to stay the same. It I were in your shoes, I would run a 4 week bulk cycle until your body is sick of putting on weight. I really think trying to fight this is gonna lead to muscle loss and finally your gonna get sick of it and gain the fat again. If your run a bulker and lift heavy your gonna put some muscle size on. Then run another cutter in couple months. It's called the Zig-Zag aproach and just because it's been around a while does not mean it does not work.
    hmm - i am not disagreeing, but i have some contradictory evidence. at 235lbs a year ago i was not always hungry. now at 275lbs i can eat a whole meal and be hungry an hour later (and no its not all chinese food!) my appetite is absolutely ridiculous, and i am in a clean state, reasonably fresh off a bulker. any idea how this meshes with your zig-zag theory?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by thebrakes
    hmm - i am not disagreeing, but i have some contradictory evidence. at 235lbs a year ago i was not always hungry. now at 275lbs i can eat a whole meal and be hungry an hour later (and no its not all chinese food!) my appetite is absolutely ridiculous, and i am in a clean state, reasonably fresh off a bulker. any idea how this meshes with your zig-zag theory?
    Hey why are you worried about eating more?? Are you gaining unwanted pounds from it? First see how all this eating is effecting you cause Sometimes when I get into a hunger spell my BF% goes down.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    ok thanks odin
    anyone else got anything?

  10. #10
    i am thinking of doing a cycle of clen and cytomel. how did you like the results?

  11. #11
    the mor u eat the more your body burns. this desnt mean go to mcyd's and eat your heart out. eat a little at a time like ten times. salad, bannana and peanut butter, just keep it clean. energy bars, shakes think just enough to tide you over. i wish i could do this, its hard for me to do this when i talk myself into thinking that ive got to eat a bunch now b/c ill be in class for 5 hours. take a snack or somthing. jmo good luck

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