Ok this is my deal. I am looking to put on crazy bulk. I was gonna originally do this cycle:
Week 01-05: Dbol 40mgs ED
Week:01-12: Test Cypionate 400mgs EW (Shots taken on Mon and Thurs)
Week:01-11: Deca 300mgs EW (Shots taken on Mon and Thurs)
Week:01-12: B6 200mgs ED
Week 01-12: Nolva 10mgs ED
18 days after last Test shot, Clomid 300mgs on day 1, than 100mgs ED for 30days.
But since the prohormone ban came up I bought 1-AD, M1T, 2 bottles of Animal Stak, and Animal Test. Can someone please help me add this to my cycle?? I know people say it's a waste of time but I had a lot of success in the past with Animal Stak and I'm really trying to put on ridiculous bulk...I don't even care if some of it is fat. I want to have a completely different body, I want to be as big as I can possibly get. Thanks for your help people.
I am 5'9/155lbs with 3 years of lifting experience.