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Thread: TEST E kicking in in only 3 weeks???

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Here and there

    TEST E kicking in in only 3 weeks???


    I took my 1st shot 3 weeks ago as of today,..500mgs per week. Is it possble that my Test E has already started kicking in? I havent front loaded or anything but im 8lbs heavier and stronger than ever before...Im also on dbol...close to 3rd week....Hollar asap..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Its probably the water weight and strength from the dbol. It took me 4-5 weeks to really notice test e, then again Im not a VET

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wouldn't you think it was the dbol?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    its the dbol dude.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    Its probably the water weight and strength from the dbol. It took me 4-5 weeks to really notice test e, then again Im not a VET
    Vet as in guys who have done more than a few cycles, very possible its the dbol

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by darmadoc
    Wouldn't you think it was the dbol?

    that what im wondering...****..if ive gotten that much stronger,..WOWO once it kicks in.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Definitely the dbol bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    okay cool,..thanks Guys

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    in your brainz
    Quote Originally Posted by darmadoc
    Wouldn't you think it was the dbol?
    thats what im thinking!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    yup its the d-bol, ur going to love it when the test kicks in..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I agree with the guys that posted...The dbol is giving you the gains/strength. I've also heard of people feeling the test after 3 weeks when they were doing test only but I need 4-5 weeks myself.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Not a well known name.
    Actually, you should have felt the d-bol kick in a lot sooner than 3 weeks.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aboot
    Actually, you should have felt the d-bol kick in a lot sooner than 3 weeks.
    yep,..i felt it really begin early last week....But my strength is that much more this week.Just waitin on that TEST to do its thing!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Yeah, I am on test e and it is really kicking in and it only has been a few weeks??? I am not sure what is going on

    On a side note I am taking something called dianabol every single day also, would this have anything to do with my weight and strenght gains?

    joking bud

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    It water from the d-bol.....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I am on Test E now as a cruise period and felt it worked stright away.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Here and there
    I didnt know if there where some folks who felt it as early as 3 weeks....without being on dbol...Anyway,..thanks boys

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Addison, TX
    I'm on my 8th week of 900mg/week of test cyp, and it kicked in early in the 4th week for me. The Dbol kicked in within about 6 to 9 days. But I'm off the dbol now. I really don't think I'll ever use dbol again, I didn't really think the effects that I got from it were worth negative aspects of it.

    But the test is AWESOME! I do believe that I am the strongest and most superior man on the face of the earth. Or at least that is what the test is telling me.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i usually notice by three wks, but i am sure it is the dbol also.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 9000rpm
    I'm on my 8th week of 900mg/week of test cyp, and it kicked in early in the 4th week for me. The Dbol kicked in within about 6 to 9 days. But I'm off the dbol now. I really don't think I'll ever use dbol again, I didn't really think the effects that I got from it were worth negative aspects of it.

    But the test is AWESOME! I do believe that I am the strongest and most superior man on the face of the earth. Or at least that is what the test is telling me.

    awesome, did you get any sides from the dbol...That doesnt seem possible this quick. Keep in mind that alot of the hype of orals are greatly exaggerated.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Addison, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup
    awesome, did you get any sides from the dbol...That doesnt seem possible this quick. Keep in mind that alot of the hype of orals are greatly exaggerated.
    I only got a little bit of bloat from the Dbol. But I got a decent boost in strength. I just don't feel that the Dbol ws worth my time, or my liver's time for any future use. I'll probably just front load test in the future instead of using Dbol.

    Also on a side note, I get absolutely zero acne from my cycle. I do get an oily forehead, nose, and cheeks though. But I make sure I wipe my face off with a paper towel every time I go to the bathroom throughout the day. This may be what keeps the acne away. But I have never really had any problems with acne.

    As for the gains from the 900mg of test cyp. I am 5'5", normal weight is about 170 to 180lbs. I am now up to 190lbs. (I wasn't trying to gain tons of weight from this cycle) I'm mainly trying to keep calories lower and just try to take in enormous amounts of protein to increase my muscle mass. I can tell a huge difference in my shoulders, arms, and torso area. My lats have gotten huge compared to how they used to be. My squats have shot up.

    135lb warmup
    315lb - 12 reps
    365lb - 10 reps
    385lb - 8 reps

    Leg press:
    800lb - 10 reps
    820lb - 10 reps
    830lb - 10 reps

    bench press:
    135lb warmup
    225lb - 12 reps
    245lb - 10 reps
    275lb - 8 reps

    I have really focused on legs this cycle and have improved every week. I need to focus more on chest now and try to get into the 300lb area for about 4 reps. I think that may be too high of a goal though. maybe next cycle.

    Besides the good gains in the gym, test makes me feel like a $1,000,000!

    Oh yeah, and I'm ****ing my wife so often that she's starting to wonder what's going on.

  22. #22
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    Here and there
    Quote Originally Posted by 9000rpm
    I only got a little bit of bloat from the Dbol. But I got a decent boost in strength. I just don't feel that the Dbol ws worth my time, or my liver's time for any future use. I'll probably just front load test in the future instead of using Dbol.

    Also on a side note, I get absolutely zero acne from my cycle. I do get an oily forehead, nose, and cheeks though. But I make sure I wipe my face off with a paper towel every time I go to the bathroom throughout the day. This may be what keeps the acne away. But I have never really had any problems with acne.

    As for the gains from the 900mg of test cyp. I am 5'5", normal weight is about 170 to 180lbs. I am now up to 190lbs. (I wasn't trying to gain tons of weight from this cycle) I'm mainly trying to keep calories lower and just try to take in enormous amounts of protein to increase my muscle mass. I can tell a huge difference in my shoulders, arms, and torso area. My lats have gotten huge compared to how they used to be. My squats have shot up.

    135lb warmup
    315lb - 12 reps
    365lb - 10 reps
    385lb - 8 reps

    Leg press:
    800lb - 10 reps
    820lb - 10 reps
    830lb - 10 reps

    bench press:
    135lb warmup
    225lb - 12 reps
    245lb - 10 reps
    275lb - 8 reps

    I have really focused on legs this cycle and have improved every week. I need to focus more on chest now and try to get into the 300lb area for about 4 reps. I think that may be too high of a goal though. maybe next cycle.

    Besides the good gains in the gym, test makes me feel like a $1,000,000!

    Oh yeah, and I'm ****ing my wife so often that she's starting to wonder what's going on.

    Awesome gains....Thats great improvement..I cant wait to see my gains improve that dramatically ...This is my first cycle,..prior to this..Naturally my stats where..

    6'2" 235

    Squats = 315lbs-12reps
    405lbs-6 Reps

    Leg Press =815 10-12 reps

    Bench = 315 lbs 10-12 reps
    = 375 lbs 4-6 reps
    = 405 lbs 1 rep
    Of coruse I do warm up sets prior to this...But this all occured when i was still natural..ive gotten strentgh gains from dbol already but,..if i can get gains like you have..ill be good to go...

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Addison, TX
    ****, those are some big weights you are tossing around on the bench. I'm always a little jealous of big guys like you because you have so much more potential than us small frys. But I do like being small and still being able to lift big. It always makes people stare when they see this small guy fill up the bar on the sled or see such a small guy squatting the weight I do.

    You will most likely get very good gains. By my 6th week, my weights increased every time I went to the gym. I'm kinda like an eager kid at christmas, I get to open a new present everyday at the gym.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Def. the Dbol. You should feel those in like 3-5 days. 3 wks is actually way late to feel strength/water gains from it. Test E will kick in soon...i noticed mine the 1st wk.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 9000rpm
    ****, those are some big weights you are tossing around on the bench. I'm always a little jealous of big guys like you because you have so much more potential than us small frys. But I do like being small and still being able to lift big. It always makes people stare when they see this small guy fill up the bar on the sled or see such a small guy squatting the weight I do.

    You will most likely get very good gains. By my 6th week, my weights increased every time I went to the gym. I'm kinda like an eager kid at christmas, I get to open a new present everyday at the gym.
    YEAH BUT YOU GUYS HAVE the advantage when it comes to squats and bench all have to take the good with the bad.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Addison, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup
    YEAH BUT YOU GUYS HAVE the advantage when it comes to squats and bench all have to take the good with the bad.
    True. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup

    I took my 1st shot 3 weeks ago as of today,..500mgs per week. Is it possble that my Test E has already started kicking in? I havent front loaded or anything but im 8lbs heavier and stronger than ever before...Im also on dbol...close to 3rd week....Hollar asap..
    Your sudden strength and weight increase is most likely from the dbol. It's incredible what that stuff does! But Dbol messes with my heart rate and blood pressure. The test E will probably be just starting to kick in on the 3rd or 4th week.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Your sudden strength and weight increase is most likely from the dbol. It's incredible what that stuff does! But Dbol messes with my heart rate and blood pressure. The test E will probably be just starting to kick in on the 3rd or 4th week.
    The Test should help me keep the gains gained from the dbol in addition to its muscle building benefits too correct?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup
    The Test should help me keep the gains gained from the dbol in addition to its muscle building benefits too correct?
    Yes and no. The gains that you got while on dbol feel good, but they are mostly water gains. The strength you gained on the dbol will probably be sustained now that the test has kicked in--that sustained strength will help you gain more and keep more muscle.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Yes and no. The gains that you got while on dbol feel good, but they are mostly water gains. The strength you gained on the dbol will probably be sustained now that the test has kicked in--that sustained strength will help you gain more and keep more muscle.

    I follow.......Thanks. That makes sense

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