Something thats been on my mind for ages and that i need to set straight is the way people do source checks, its said on the board if you need a souce check, ask a mod, notice the word MOD does not have an S and im sure it doesnt say anywhere, ask 10 mods the same question. Its always been apparent but more so recently that most of you who do source checks, copy and paste the same email to every mod, this is VERY ANNOYING as you give 10 people work to do instead of 1, and we all end up getting the information from the same place. So please, dont ask everyone, ask someone who is active, we try to make sure all mods are active, and I am pretty sure that none of us will ever ignore a check, sometimes I go to check a source for someone, and i find that 10 other people checking the same source for the same person, there is no need for this. So give people a couple of days to get back to you, please try to cooperate giving as much info as you can, we dont ask where you found people to snoop, everything is done in safety of the board, if someone is soliciting, i dont care how bad you need a source, you put all of us at risk by not letting us know about it, just to protect your selfish little needs of a bottle of test! it just doesnt add up, so let us know. If you are not prepared to give information for us to help you, then please dont ask for a check, as it works both ways.
If someone doesnt reply in a few days, then ask another mod, its quite simple