EDIT: I have since come to learn much more about this subject, training, and diet, and would rather leave this links here to you rather than leave the orginal post, as it has some less than accurate information. PM me if need be.
Info on aromatase and gyno = http://journals.endocrinology.org/er...15/0060315.pdf (requires adobe acrobat reader)
Info on gyno = http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic934.htm
Info on endocrine disruption = http://ace.orst.edu/info/extoxnet/fa.../endocrine.htm
Info on phytoestrogens = http://www.ifst.org/hottop34.htm
Info on surgery = www.drnadler.com AND www.plasticsurgery4u.com
Info on yohimburn = www.yohimburn.com
NYC = www.anabolicfitness.net (legal)
UPDATE> link to elite post on similiar topic> http://boards.elitefitness.com/foru...threadid=128733]
below as an attached zip file of a document that is very informative and in depth on the treatment of gyno.