Originally Posted by
My friend and I are both going to do our first cycles. Mine is in, his about to be ordered. I have posted here and others many time to perfect mine, but wanted to run them both past the best board. Mine is pretty much set, unless it is said to extend the deca too, last suggestion was to increase test so I did. His is wide open, not even ordered yet. thanks.
Me: 27 yrs, 6'4", 270lbs, about 30% BF, cycle for strength and size for semi pro football.
Test E- 500 mg 10 weeks
Deca D- 400 mg 8 weeks
DBol - 40 mg ed for first 4 weeks
Nolva - 20 mg ed 10 weeks
Clomid starts 21 days after last shot, run for 300mg
day 1/ 100mg 10 days/ 50mg 10 days.
Him: 25 yrs, 200lbs, 5'10", 16 to 18% bf
Sustanon - 250 mg 10 weeks
Winstrol - 50 mg ed weeks 5 to 8
DBol - 40 mg ed for first 4 weeks
Nolva - 20 mg ed 8 weeks
Clomid starts 21 days after last shot, run for 300mg
day 1/ 100mg 10 days/ 50mg 10 days.