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Thread: what kind of results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    All Over

    what kind of results

    what kind of results could someone expect from a tren / liquid clen cycle? this is all he has, but enough to go 75mg ed on the tren for 10 wks and 120mcgs a day for 6 wks on the clen. he's never really done a real cycle, just patched things togehter when he go tthe money. I'm guessing some size and strenght, but can he expect to keep it? thanks. - SnB

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by spidernbutterfly
    what kind of results could someone expect from a tren / liquid clen cycle? this is all he has, but enough to go 75mg ed on the tren for 10 wks and 120mcgs a day for 6 wks on the clen. he's never really done a real cycle, just patched things togehter when he go tthe money. I'm guessing some size and strenght, but can he expect to keep it? thanks. - SnB

    he can expect a di*k that dont work....where is the test?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    wheres the test
    tren on its own is a very bad idea
    tren and clen cycle u would burn massive fat and increase size and strentgh
    tren is a drug for experienced users it can be very harsh especially if taken alone w/o test u need testt!!!!! and b-6

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    6 weeks of clen straight??!!? Do a search on "clen handbook"

    He definetly needs test with tren.

    He can keep it if he have anti e's and pct?

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