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  1. #1
    thewallop's Avatar
    thewallop is offline Associate Member
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    letrozole question

    hey guys , im currently on day 10 using the following .

    1-4 75 mg anadrol ed
    1-10 300 mg test cyp 2 times a week
    6-12 50mg anavar ed
    12 i start pct
    i just received my letrozole , its 2.5mg/ml and i got 10 ml of it , im currently takin .25 ml every 2 days . is that enough ?? also u guys ever hear of dynamic pharmaceuticals??

    gains so far : 201-213 lbs

    also anyone ever hear about fad (fast acting deca ) if i remeber correctly its something like nandrolene thyproponate . dont know spellin so dont bite my head off plz :P

  2. #2
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is offline Senior Member
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    I am about to use it with my upcoming cycle and I think I read that .5ed is a good dose.

  3. #3
    GettinSwoll47's Avatar
    GettinSwoll47 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004
    i use .5 ed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    well the standard dose for femara is 1.25mg EOD. For people more prone to estrogenic sides 2.5mg EOD. There is no need to take femara ED because of its half life, however, taking it everyday will not be detrimental.

    These are the most standard doses, but start off with a lower dose and work up till an appropriate dose is founds.

    Remember femara has an adverse effect on your lipid profile (like all AI's), so the lower the dose the better.

  5. #5
    c5529 is offline Member
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    I use letro at 1.25 ED, but I'm taking over a couple grams of steroids per week for competition purposes and am prone to gyno...I also use some nolva to help with the lipid issues mentioned by IGOTJUICE....Start low and see how it works for can always increase the dose later.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by c5529
    I use letro at 1.25 ED, but I'm taking over a couple grams of steroids per week for competition purposes and am prone to gyno...I also use some nolva to help with the lipid issues mentioned by IGOTJUICE....Start low and see how it works for can always increase the dose later.....
    You are not suppose to use nolva with letro for that purpose......running a serm helps when running arimidex . There are many threads regarding not using femara with nolva....this is the reason why many opt for dex despite the fact that letro is superior.

    Scratch that: it is effective with lipid health, just have to run a higher amount, just double checked.
    Last edited by IGOTJUICE007; 02-01-2005 at 08:07 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    this may help:

    One thing to keep in mind though when runing tamoxifen with letro is that letro reduces blood levels of tamoxifen by over 50%. a study showed 2.5mg letro ED made nolva levels drop to 40% of what they were before adding letro. This does not mean you cant use tamoxifen with letro, it just means you need to use more, about double. In other words, 20mg of nolva will act like 8mg if running letro. So, make sure you are aware of this because you will need to buy more nolva to compensate. This does not happen when mixing tamoxifen with anastrozole or exemestane, it only hppens with letro.NOTE:
    After this was posted, Pheedno mentioned the following which has been placed here to shed light on this possible mistake made by the original author of this postNolva in full clinical doses(20mgED) reduces letro plasma levels by 37.6%(Not the other way around at 50%). Nolva in full clinical doses reduces anastrozol plasma levels by 27%.

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