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  1. #1
    rixyroids's Avatar
    rixyroids is offline Associate Member
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    eh, sore leg after 1 shot!

    hey guys

    i did my first shot yesterday in my quad, but today the injection site is tender (i can deal with) but when i touch it, under the skin theres no lump, but it feels swollen, is this usual?

    i dnt think i moved the needle too much, just where i injected the site feels hard, but not in a lump, it covers an area of maybe 2 inches. i rubbed rly hard to disperse it afterwards, could it just be bruising from that

    thansk guys, im a bit worried bout this!

  2. #2
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    Get used to it, some injections are worse than others.

  3. #3
    rixyroids's Avatar
    rixyroids is offline Associate Member
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    its not sore, but it dusnt sound like an abscess dus it? i took over a minute to administer it, so that should be a problem, and everything was as clean as i cud make it

    just think its the way itl be?

  4. #4
    smegs's Avatar
    smegs is offline Member
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    just get used to it just as groverman said
    maybe try some different techniques, such as a hot shower before and after massaging the area you are planning on shooting, take some advil too and even warm up the gear before you shoot it under hot water while its in you pin.
    good luck

  5. #5
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    no matter what i did everytime i hit the quads my leg killed me for up to 4 days after.... i think it was just the gear i had but it happened everytime no matterr how much i rubbed or showered etc. althoguh these thing did lessen the pain a little

  6. #6
    goldberg_goldberg's Avatar
    goldberg_goldberg is offline New Member
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    was it sustanon

  7. #7
    rixyroids's Avatar
    rixyroids is offline Associate Member
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    no test E, its not sore to walk, just sore when i press it slightly, same sort of feeling u get if u hada bruise, do u think its just damage to the muscle, and all injections will b like that?

  8. #8
    ChefJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magicstick2003
    no matter what i did everytime i hit the quads my leg killed me for up to 4 days after.... i think it was just the gear i had but it happened everytime no matterr how much i rubbed or showered etc. althoguh these thing did lessen the pain a little
    Yeah I can't take shots in the leg unless it is just b12. You may have just bruised it when you were dispersing the oil. At least there is no lump, and it is not red. Try taking a shower first to loosen up the skin and then inject and rub lightly afterwards.

  9. #9
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    Here is my shot routine, warm the vial amp etc with a hair dryer. Not hot but warm it will be more easily absorbed within the muscle. Secondly when injecting take your time no need to blast your muscle with a cc of fluid, take your time. Lastly I always take a warm shower and massage the crap out of the sit. I belive the massage is the key. I have only had pain with some uncut test prop.

  10. #10
    rixyroids's Avatar
    rixyroids is offline Associate Member
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    yeah i spend maybe 10-15 mins massaging it, and i mean i massage it hard, to disperse it, just feels a bit sore, i musta moved the needle more than i thot!

  11. #11
    justin2305's Avatar
    justin2305 is offline Senior Member
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    from now on massage it with hot rag for a lil while after and be sure to inject slowly for maximum absorbtion so the oil will spread and not knot up

  12. #12
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    It's perfectly normal. An abscess usually doesnt develop just overnight, and you'll know it when you have one because it will start off looking like a golf ball growing out of your skin or something. Are you hitting the injection in the right place on your quad? What I like to do is put my arms to my sides and right where my index finger ends on the side of my leg is where I'll poke. Kind of right in the area where the side and front of the leg come together, at a slight angle downwards. Some hurt more than others, then every once in awhile you get one that you hardly feel at all.

  13. #13
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    try injecting test e 500 for some pain. I did it for about 4 weeks and had to stop, I couldnt take it anymore.

  14. #14
    ChefJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    try injecting test e 500 for some pain. I did it for about 4 weeks and had to stop, I couldnt take it anymore.
    test e 500 if made properly is painless.

  15. #15
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    well mine was definetly not made properly then, it's been the only thing I've actually stopped using because of pain, any muscle injected with it was immobile for about a week and a half.

  16. #16
    Cuttup's Avatar
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    Here and there
    im going through the same thing right now. My quad is swollen and pretty sore from my Test E shot lastnight. Im in week 4 now shooting twice per week and havent had this happen yet. we will see.

  17. #17
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    yep it never gets less painful no matter how many times, my quads are fine the day i shoot but very tender for 2 or 3 days after, i could always go back to creatine i suppose (not) lol.

  18. #18
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    i know what you mean man. I just did my firsr ever shot in my right arm and its hurts like a M#$@$@$@. The shot wasnt bad it was the next day just sore. It was hard to workout but i still managed it. I am going to try the things listed here also

  19. #19
    rixyroids's Avatar
    rixyroids is offline Associate Member
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    yeah my pains gone now, musta jst bn brusing from rubn it too hard aftr the shot

    thanks for the help guys

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