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Thread: Planning my next cycle, would love some input!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Thumbs up Planning my next cycle, would love some input!

    Well pct is almost done, and you know what that means? TIME TO PLAN ANOTHER CYCLE!!! (not start, just plan)

    To start, here is what I have in the works. Im going to go all out bulk during the first 12 weeks then use the final 4 to really cut up, Hopefully the IGF and tren will keep me lean, I'll probably use dnp weeks 12-14 then some kind of hardening gear for the final 2 (aka winny or var)

    IGF ??ui's/day ?-??
    Drol 100mgs/day 1-6
    Test E 700mgs/wk 1-16
    EQ 400mgs/wk 1-15
    Tren E 400mgs/wk 1-12
    winny, maybe var 14-16
    Mesterolone 50mgs/day

    clomid/nolva/letro/hcg/igf for my super PCT

    always on;b12, multi, cee, glutamine, aakg, whey and lotsa food!

    My Questions and Delimas...

    Any General input on the above cycle? Opinions?
    If you have any input, negative or positive, about the above cycle I would love to hear it, be it length, dosage, anything. I was MAYBE thinking about upping the test dosage a bit.

    Should I add EQ to the cycle?
    I'm considering adding EQ to the cycle for my joints, vascularity, and increased appitite. My main reason for hesitating is that I will have a ton of gear in my system, about 1.5grams at any given moment. My last cycle was a test/eq stack, it was nice but i did not feel that the EQ was really anabolic for me. I've done multiple, short, test prop cycles and the gains were pretty much the same. Good idea, or too much gear? I guess 4mls 2x a week really is'nt too bad.

    Best Time and dosage to run the IGF?
    This is where I am really struggling. I have a budget that allows for 3mgs of IGF($!$!$!$!) and I am not sure when would be best to run it, or at what dosage. I'm stuck between doing it early in the cycle(say weeks 2-6) for the muscle increase (from new cells), or to do it later in the cycle for the gain retentions and fat reduction, or maybe both. Also I have no idea what do do about dosages. 3 cycles of 50mcgs/day for 20 days? 1 cycle of 80mcgs for 25 days and one of 40 for 25days? A big cycle during PCT or while on cycle? And how do you guys feel about shooting IGF on only training days into the worked muscle? I might give that a go.

    Sorry about the long post, i just have a lot of questions and I want this cycle to be amazing and very productive, but should'nt we all want that? You know the saying, the best cycle is always the one you hav'nt done yet. Im sure I will follow up with more questions. Gonna start spending money and getting all my goodies in the next few weeks to last me for 6 months, glad im going home brew on everything this time. Between all the gear, pct meds, vitamins, supplements, and other junk (hair care, skin care, yadda yadda) This cycle will cost me a pretty penny! Glad my parents support my hobbie and are willing to pay for my food

    Incase you are wondering, I have done a few light cycles, the last one was my first one over 10 weeks. I have all the basicas down, Eating, Lifting and sleeping are 3 of the 4 things i like to do most when on cycle, if sex was more anabolic life would be perfect . Sucks that you have to add that to every post, if you dont the only replys you will get is "Age? Diet? Training? Cycle History?" Im not saying its your guys' fault, I think its awsome you guys do that, but I dont think anybody that doesnt have that stuff down should not even be on this forum yet.

    Thanks guys, I cant wait to hear from you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    IMO you're goin a bit overboard bro. What are your goals?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by YounG_SluG11
    IMO you're goin a bit overboard bro. What are your goals?
    I was going to say some of those doses looked a little low (EQ is weak, 400mg Tren is low..) Maybe a better trade off if you don't want more total gear in your system would be to run 2-3 compounds higher rather than like 6 at small doses.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    To stay lean and gain 25lbs+ of quality, keepable muscle. I agree, thats my concern about adding the EQ, if you take the EQ and IGF out of the equation, its a pretty simple and common cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    I was going to say some of those doses looked a little low (EQ is weak, 400mg Tren is low..) Maybe a better trade off if you don't want more total gear in your system would be to run 2-3 compounds higher rather than like 6 at small doses.
    LOL I didn't even look at the dosages I just saw way too many different compounds on his list. Exactly what he said bro, don't do all that at once just chose a couple and up the doses.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    I was going to say some of those doses looked a little low (EQ is weak, 400mg Tren is low..) Maybe a better trade off if you don't want more total gear in your system would be to run 2-3 compounds higher rather than like 6 at small doses.
    lol, ever see that video of the guy who would run like 15 different compounds at once?


    Ive never ran tren, thats why the low dose. btw, it would only be 4 compounds at once, and only for part of the cycle (orals). Again, thats the concern for running the EQ, to much gear!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    wow, looking at what i have listed it looks like a ton of gear, but igf isnt really a compound, niether is the Proviron.

    I guess i could list all the vitamins and dosages too, and make things more confusing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    I'm just coming off 1g Test prop and 700mg Tren ace and loved it, 600mg of EQ probably would have made it even more anabolic, I'd drop the winny and mesterolone - tren and eq will make you hard and lean enough i don't think the results would justify the cost. If you did it my way thats still 2.3g of gear though lol. maybe 750mg Test, 500mg Tren, 600mg EQ would suit you better.. 1.85g which is roughly the same as you've got there and I think you'd see better results.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    The mesterolone is more for the estrogen supression then the anabolic reasons, never used it and I thought i would give it a try, since its so cheap. The orals at the end of the cycle were a big maybe, im sure the gains will be so hard/lean that i wont need anything.

    BTW, nobody can talk me out of the IGF, i loved it so much during pct, there is no way I won't use it while on

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    I wasn't counting IGF into it, I'd do it if I had the money lol definetly keep it whatever you decide

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Best Time and dosage to run the IGF?
    This is where I am really struggling. I have a budget that allows for 3mgs of IGF($!$!$!$!) and I am not sure when would be best to run it, or at what dosage. I'm stuck between doing it early in the cycle(say weeks 2-6) for the muscle increase (from new cells), or to do it later in the cycle for the gain retentions and fat reduction, or maybe both. Also I have no idea what do do about dosages. 3 cycles of 50mcgs/day for 20 days? 1 cycle of 80mcgs for 25 days and one of 40 for 25days? A big cycle during PCT or while on cycle? And how do you guys feel about shooting IGF on only training days into the worked muscle? I might give that a go.

    i always do 50mcg 4 days a week (mon/tues)-(thurs/fri) for 5 weeks
    this because i have igtropin and its only stabile for 24hrs when mixed with the water that comes with it.
    there are plenty of threads that say use distilled vinnegar but i think its way easyer this way. just mix 1 vial and use it at the same time on day 1 & day 2
    the first time i did this i had'nt been juicin for 6 months and used the igf by itself no aas or slin and gained 5.5lbs and kept al of it.
    i'm running it at this moment with prop 100mg ed and slin pwo at 10iu and gained 13lbs in the first 2 weeks.
    i workout 5 days a week so on wednesday i don't use igf just the slin.
    as far as site injection i don't believe its that much of an issue cause i always inject bicep because i find that the easyest to inject.


  12. #12
    Little high on the androgens huh? If you want quality keepable muscle then equal out the andro/anabolic ratio a little more in my opinion. I would run the EQ at like 600, and with all that gear you have lined up I would use a little less test. Also, unless the Drols you are getting suck, then 50mg should do the trick. I alos think you should run the winny for 4 weeks instead of 2. If you only ran it for 2 I wouldnt see a point.
    Last edited by Mutant; 02-02-2005 at 02:47 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Still looking for some input on the IGF.... two small cycles vs one higher-dose cycle...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    if you want to help your joints, you need nandrolone. Eq increases collagen synthesis, but decreases synovial fluid viscosity and pressure. Nandrolone is one of a kind in joint relief among AAS.

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