Well pct is almost done, and you know what that means? TIME TO PLAN ANOTHER CYCLE!!! (not start, just plan)
To start, here is what I have in the works. Im going to go all out bulk during the first 12 weeks then use the final 4 to really cut up, Hopefully the IGF and tren will keep me lean, I'll probably use dnp weeks 12-14 then some kind of hardening gear for the final 2 (aka winny or var)
IGF ??ui's/day ?-??
Drol 100mgs/day 1-6
Test E 700mgs/wk 1-16
EQ 400mgs/wk 1-15
Tren E 400mgs/wk 1-12
winny, maybe var 14-16
Mesterolone 50mgs/day
clomid/nolva/letro/hcg/igf for my super PCT
always on;b12, multi, cee, glutamine, aakg, whey and lotsa food!
My Questions and Delimas...
Any General input on the above cycle? Opinions?
If you have any input, negative or positive, about the above cycle I would love to hear it, be it length, dosage, anything. I was MAYBE thinking about upping the test dosage a bit.
Should I add EQ to the cycle?
I'm considering adding EQ to the cycle for my joints, vascularity, and increased appitite. My main reason for hesitating is that I will have a ton of gear in my system, about 1.5grams at any given moment. My last cycle was a test/eq stack, it was nice but i did not feel that the EQ was really anabolic for me. I've done multiple, short, test prop cycles and the gains were pretty much the same. Good idea, or too much gear? I guess 4mls 2x a week really is'nt too bad.
Best Time and dosage to run the IGF?
This is where I am really struggling. I have a budget that allows for 3mgs of IGF($!$!$!$!) and I am not sure when would be best to run it, or at what dosage. I'm stuck between doing it early in the cycle(say weeks 2-6) for the muscle increase (from new cells), or to do it later in the cycle for the gain retentions and fat reduction, or maybe both. Also I have no idea what do do about dosages. 3 cycles of 50mcgs/day for 20 days? 1 cycle of 80mcgs for 25 days and one of 40 for 25days? A big cycle during PCT or while on cycle? And how do you guys feel about shooting IGF on only training days into the worked muscle? I might give that a go.
Sorry about the long post, i just have a lot of questions and I want this cycle to be amazing and very productive, but should'nt we all want that? You know the saying, the best cycle is always the one you hav'nt done yet. Im sure I will follow up with more questions. Gonna start spending money and getting all my goodies in the next few weeks to last me for 6 months, glad im going home brew on everything this time. Between all the gear, pct meds, vitamins, supplements, and other junk (hair care, skin care, yadda yadda) This cycle will cost me a pretty penny! Glad my parents support my hobbie and are willing to pay for my food![]()
Incase you are wondering, I have done a few light cycles, the last one was my first one over 10 weeks. I have all the basicas down, Eating, Lifting and sleeping are 3 of the 4 things i like to do most when on cycle, if sex was more anabolic life would be perfect. Sucks that you have to add that to every post, if you dont the only replys you will get is "Age? Diet? Training? Cycle History?" Im not saying its your guys' fault, I think its awsome you guys do that, but I dont think anybody that doesnt have that stuff down should not even be on this forum yet.
Thanks guys, I cant wait to hear from you!