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  1. #1
    Angelis's Avatar
    Angelis is offline Banned
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    Exclamation PWO Shake (While on Humalin-R) Need help!

    How is this for a PWO shake ( I will be using GH, D-Bol and Humalin-R, will the fat be a problem?)

    Calories 520
    Cals from Fat 20
    Total Fat 3g
    Sat. Fat 1g
    Carbs 81g
    Protein 46g
    Cholesterol 20mg
    Sugar 77g
    Calcium 320mg
    Sodium 140mg
    Potasium 590mg
    Vitamin C 250mg
    Phosphorus 100mg
    Magnesium 70mg
    Chromium Picolinate 300mcg
    Creatine Monohydrate 10g
    Taurine 2g
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) 200mg
    Glutamine 10g
    Enzyme Blend 20mg

  2. #2
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah, though it's not a lot of fat, I wouldn't risk it. Stick with the normal dextrose + creatine+Glutamine and then whey.

  3. #3
    Angelis's Avatar
    Angelis is offline Banned
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    its the Whey that has the Fat

  4. #4
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    stay away from fat as long as the slin is active it will make you gain weight........around the waist.
    just stick to dextrose/whey isolate/creatine

  5. #5
    Big Bapper's Avatar
    Big Bapper is offline Member
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    Cut out the fat or the slin will store it with all the other goddies.

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hey bro, your better of posting this in the IGF GH and Insulin forum, but I may as well give you some answers since you posted it here.

    Try and stay away from fats while Insulin is active. However, I see that your PWO shake consists of 2g of fat. 2g of fat is fine, but the whole protein intake should be around the 75g mark. Your carbohydrate intake depends on how much Insulin you take. The guideline that everyone seems to follow is 10g of carbs for every 1IU of Insulin. So if if you were to have 5IU you would need 50g of carbs max. You also may want to add some glutamine and creatine at 5 - 10g each for additional benefits. But I think you already mentioned taking glutamine and creatine, anyway.

    I would try and get Humalog instead of Humalin R. Both will bring great results, but Humalog is in your system for only 4hrs, and not 8hrs like Humalin R is. So that means if you were to take Humalog, you would only have to watch your fat intake for those 4hrs and not 8 like Humalin R.

    By the way, take your carbs/creat/gluta immidietly post injection, followed by a protein shake about 15 minutes later. You don't want to take your protein right away with gluta/carbs/creat as your shake already has glutamine in it. Good luck.


  7. #7
    Angelis's Avatar
    Angelis is offline Banned
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    Montreal (Canada eh!)
    thanks for all the help... ive changed it allot I forgot about the whole Glutamine and Protein fighting for absorbtion thing. Dont worry I read almost every Slin thread on this sight... there all saved on my comp for reference. The reason I didnt pick Humalog is bcs im going to be getting it from the local pharmacy and I dont know if u need a script for it, but the sooner its outta my system the better so I'll try and see what I can do!

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