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  1. #1
    Tankass's Avatar
    Tankass is offline Senior Member
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    Girlfriend and T3, Clen, DNP etc...

    My girlfriend is trying to cut up and lose some weight. I personally don't think she needs to lose weight but cutting up would be nice. She is 20, 5'7" and 155. She is not really fat she has a lot of muscle mass. She plays rugby in college. She can bench 190, Squat 225 and legpress about 400. She is very strong. She can toss me around if I let her haha. What would be a good way for her to go about it. I was wondering what king of effect t3 and clen would have. Well not the Clen but the T3 anyway. Any advice would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    Fuck T3 and tell her to diet, i am sure with a well balanced diet she will be able to reach her goals, unless she wants to become competitive, and it dosen't sound like it to me. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Dr. Derek is offline Member
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    I would not put my worst enemy on DNP , T-3, and clen . Stick with the diet as mike says

  4. #4
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    I totally agree with Mike, what is her diet like? Is she even doing any cardio now??? All she really has to do is take some OTC fat burners and hit the cardio real hard. At the most, maybe some Clen or something, but definetly NOT any T3 or DNP . That's some hardcore shit!

  5. #5
    Tankass's Avatar
    Tankass is offline Senior Member
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    Great Diet, and cardio 2x a day 1hour each time. Once in the morning once later at night. She has tried Xenadrine and Hydroxycut and they didnt help at all so she. Finished out the bottles and never used them again. She said if they didnt help there was no need it feeling like crap while being on it. Its not like she isnt trying. I have been with her for 2 years and she has been doing this for those 2 years. I have seen small changes but nothing major. She doesnt even use her cheat days and doesnt drink at all. I can understand totally what she feels like she need stronger shit.


  6. #6
    quasar's Avatar
    quasar is offline Associate Member
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    dont know about the clen and stuff really, but i know what you are talking about when you describe your girl. I am on the crew team at my school and the girls on the team are the same way, they eat well and their workouts are INSANE, two practices a day! and they are all big and strong women. and i think it is genetics and the fact that they are strong women. they were not meant to be skinny and supermodellike, they were meant to do squats, and beat up guys. IMO they are best girls around.

  7. #7
    Tankass's Avatar
    Tankass is offline Senior Member
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    Haha, Yep they are


  8. #8
    King Samson's Avatar
    King Samson is offline Associate Member
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    6ft. away...but you can't
    Is anyone going to help this guy?

  9. #9
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    clen and t3 would work great, but the problem is she'll get weak from the t3 due to muscle loss and the fat rebound after coming off t3 is pretty brutal. i'd hate to sound like a dnp advocate, but if you can score some legit caps then feel free to PM me for some advice on how to plan a safe cycle for her.

  10. #10
    Pwrlftr is offline Banned
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    How to use Clenbuterol /Cytomel /ECA safely and effectively....and tell her to keep her protein intake up to keep the muscle while on this cycle:

    good luck and good lifting...pwlrftr

  11. #11
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by Pwrlftr
    How to use Clenbuterol /Cytomel /ECA safely and effectively....and tell her to keep her protein intake up to keep the muscle while on this cycle:

    good luck and good lifting...pwlrftr
    hey pwrlftr, your board s&w fucking sucks! anyone who disagrees with the way the mods (pwrlftr) thinks over there gets banned from the boards. you can't have a mind of your own and a civil discussion about how to approach cycles differently over there.

    sorry mods for my outburst (you know this is out of character for me), but i got banned from that board 12 months ago (after being a member for 5 months) because i disagreed with some vets there about not using eca in the off weeks of a clen cycle. it's a bunch of fascist assholes over there who can't handle confrontations, so they have to ban you.

  12. #12
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    another thing, that s&w dnp guide is the most out dated piece of shit in the world. nice way to get people hurt. follow the guide on this board.

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