Is there anyone out there who had realy big mental problems afther the use of steroids? Well i did and stil have. panickattacks, depressions all kind of crap. Already using stuff against it like efexor. Is there anyone out there who had or have the same crap and want to talk about it?
okok guys here i go first of all thanks for all your replays. i started steroids for about 3 years ago
i'm now 22 did 2 small cycles and 1 bigger one when was lowering the bigger cycle to build off i used clomid winstrol etc to get rid of the estrogen part i was using sustanon btw. then one night when i was done building off i got a pannick attack i thought i was going to die and that kind of **** realy freaky.
i was going to the doc he gave me some oxazepam but it was realy a hard time.. 6 months later i still have panick attacks etc and the dock gave me efexor i build it up to about 3x 37,5 mg day.. realy freaking me out, i thought i was diening again etc. afther 3 week i was going to my work. And taking back my life... but becouse of the efexor i didn't like things anymore.. so i stoped with the efexor .. 6 months later my head was making me crazy got panick att acks again and i deside to take the efexor again... went a few times to the doc and stuff like that but since then i'm still taking efexor... against depressions and pannick attacks. My head is making me crazy again. next week i got my first apointment with a mental terapist.
i only want help that's all. Want to know how you guys think of it.
my first 2 small cycles where winstrol and primo 25mg and 1 amp primo aday
for about 6 weeks
then later again for about 2 months
the big one was sustanon for about 250 mg day 2 months.
it's a long time ago and i used to know much about it... but i just lost my intrest in it.