finishing up a cycle of dbol test E and test prop in 2 weeks... does anyone know if the Somerset County New Jersey Police Academy tests for AAS... they only do urine testing and it will probably be taking place in a month or two....
finishing up a cycle of dbol test E and test prop in 2 weeks... does anyone know if the Somerset County New Jersey Police Academy tests for AAS... they only do urine testing and it will probably be taking place in a month or two....
Can you be more specific as to where someone should be testing for AS? Would you mind putting your name and address down? Not the smartest thing to do, being that specific with the name of the county,etc. in an open forum monitored by who knows who.
I dont believe any police departments in america test for AAS. They test for rec drugs.
The steroid 'test' will come up in the polygraph, when they ask about your drug use, and specifically tell you 'anabolic steroids, or even a prescription medication that wasnt prescribed to you'.
Most of these policies vary from dept to dept.
If you are really concerned, check out
The steroid kit on there should work for you, its got like a 99.7% success rate.
Originally Posted by Hed
Departments care more about honesty than past drug history. I have a buddy who applied to be a cop and had to take a polygraph. He admitted to using steroids, cocaine, and marijuana in the past, but not in the last two years. Not only did they hire him onto the force, but he's a member of the city's SWAT team!Keep in mind, not all departments run polygraph tests on applicants...
ALOT of them run polygraphs guarenteed, as long as your cool and tell the full truth its all good.
Props to gym dog, he knows what he talking about
Great a cop on gear..................Hopefully you got a prescription from your doctor at least. I am sorry but it's real hard for me to know cops are running gear and driving drunk, doing drugs and tons of other illegal crap and I get pulled over for doing 7 mph over the speed limit..................F-ing lovely. I was recently at a poker tournament and 90% of the people there were cops and they were Hammered drunk driving around afterwards, speeding doing stupid Sh$! and some guy that works his Ass off has two beers after work and they pull him over for a DUI. Nice.
Cops are no diffrent than u or I. They are human and make mistakes like the rest of us. If they are caught they will pay the price like everyone else....usually worse. I understand they are held to a higher standard but they are still human.
There was just a post on this. All kinds of different answers. Gotta go with Grant on this. You will know why if you read the other threads.....
Gotta link or title for that thread.
I am searching...will link soon
There is right back with another.
Here's another. I didn't read the other threads in my search, but if you enter
drug testing cops
it gives you a bunch of threads.
Thanks bro. I will check them out. I do not agree with the hypocracy of being a cop and doing illegal ****. I was just stating they make mistakes like everyone else.
I didn't think you were coming off wrong at all. I just wanted to get you the threads you asked for. Hope it helps baseballer as well. Even if I don't agree with everything others do, I enjoy my freedoms and respect the rights they have as well.
Most Police dept's (if not all) do not test for AAS unless someone makes an allegation against you. The allegation usually comes from a pissed off wife or girlfriend.
Baseballer the best thing you can do in my opinion is just get a script and do it the legal way. Just make sure you always CYA. I do not know of any agencies that have tested any of my friends for AS but if they do and you have a script then you are covered. I am sure if you get hired you will probably want to use again and this is the safest way to not ruin your career. Peace
Last edited by bigcut77; 02-05-2005 at 08:55 AM.
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