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Thread: warm shoulder..worry??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    warm shoulder..worry??

    just did a shot 3 days ago of 150mg Qv deca and 250mg QV test e, and it still hurts pretty bad, i've just been lifting through the pain....and its kinda redish and warm to the touch...i used alcohol on everything, did everything sterile....should i be worried? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I wouldn't worry about it bro. Wait a few more days and then if it doesn't get any better you may want to see a doc, but chances are it is just healing. Maybe you moved the needle around a little or you might have injected too fast. I remember doing a tri injection of 2cc's and I think I injected too fast because it was red, hot, and sore for the next two days but then went down.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    New York
    it could be an infection bro you should get it checked out if you can, that happened to me last cycle couldn't get to a doc though i wrapped it with a warm towel. are you using the same Needle to inject that you are using to remove the gear ? there are allot of good post on proper injection procedures check them out it may help you to see if your doing something wrong helped me or could just be ****ty luck try and get some antibiotics and try wrapping it with a heating pad that helped me good luck bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Quote Originally Posted by GetPumped
    I wouldn't worry about it bro. Wait a few more days and then if it doesn't get any better you may want to see a doc, but chances are it is just healing. Maybe you moved the needle around a little or you might have injected too fast. I remember doing a tri injection of 2cc's and I think I injected too fast because it was red, hot, and sore for the next two days but then went down.
    this man has got it right. probably nothing. just keep an eye on it

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