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  1. #1
    chamberman is offline New Member
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    Jul 2004

    Not sure about Nolvadex while cycling

    I am about to start my 2nd cycle, but my 1st with test. I was told by a guy at the gym to do 1cc of test cypionate and equipoise every Monday and Thursday. I do not want to be a beast, just add some size and look good. He said that is a nice clean cycle that should give me what I want and shouldn't have any bad side effects ( gyno and the like). I was under the impression that you were to take estrogen blockers and testosterone jump starters only after your cycle. But after reading up online, I see people prefer to take some while on the cycle like nolvadex . Is that an OTC or do I have to get on the black market? If I do not take any while on my cycle and wait until after what should I expect? I want to keep water retention as low as I can an obviously try to keep as much of my gains as possible, along with avoid gyno,what should I do? One more thing, I know prices vary by who you know and where you are, but I am in Houston area and guy I go to charges $150 for equipose and Deca (10cc), $180 for winstrol (20cc). AM I getting ripped or what. What kind of prices am I looking at online, there are so many site I am not sure who to trust.
    Last edited by chamberman; 02-05-2005 at 12:07 AM. Reason: was told to

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Well first off don't ask if your source is legit in the open threads, PM a mod

    And for Nolva-

  3. #3
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    What's the dose of cyp and EQ? The prices look like gym prices to me. BTW, edit your post.

  4. #4
    chamberman is offline New Member
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    I believe he said the dose was 250mg for cyp and 200 for the equipoise .

  5. #5
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Run the cyp at 500mg EW and the EQ at 400 EW, for at least 10 weeks. Keep the nolva on hand in case of sides. And pick up some clomid for PCT.

  6. #6
    bowie is offline Member
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    yes and we don't talk in cc,we talk in mg/ml. 500mg of test and 400mg/week of eq injected twice a week each for 10-12weeks would be a good first cycle.Before you start your cycle,pick up some nolva. they mostly come in 10 or 20mg pills. Grab 100.If your not already heavy(soft) I would hold off on using till the end of your cycle. If your nipples start getting ichy or soar start taking 10-20mg/day of nolva. If the sensation dosn't go away in a few days,up the dose.Also at the end of your cycle you will need about 50 clomid. Run the clomid and nolva starting 2 weeks after your last shot of test. Nolva,20mg/day for a month.Clomid 300mg first day,200mg next day then 100mg everyday after that for the remainder of the month.Make sure you have everything before you start your cycle. Good luck.

  7. #7
    chamberman is offline New Member
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    I am not sure if "my guy" can get nolva and clomid (they are both in pill form right?), do you know any sites online? Are things like Tribilus and Carnitine not strong enough? So I should not start PCT like a few days after my last shot, why wait two weeks, will I just be wasting the clomid or whatever I use?
    Last edited by chamberman; 02-05-2005 at 12:21 AM. Reason: forgot something

  8. #8
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chamberman
    I am not sure if "my guy" can get nolva and clomid (they are both in pill form right?), do you know any sites online? Are things like Tribilus and Carnitine not strong enough? So I should not start PCT like a few days after my last shot, why wait two weeks, will I just be wasting the clomid or whatever I use?
    You wait because the compunds are still active in your body.

  10. #10
    chamberman is offline New Member
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    Do those prices seem too high or is that the going rate? A freind of mine says I should pay $200 for a 10ml bottle of cypionate and equipoise . My hookup wants $150 just for the equipoise and he is checking on the cyp., so who knows what he will charge for that.

  11. #11
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chamberman
    Do those prices seem too high or is that the going rate? A freind of mine says I should pay $200 for a 10ml bottle of cypionate and equipoise. My hookup wants $150 just for the equipoise and he is checking on the cyp., so who knows what he will charge for that.

    Those prices are extremely high

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    In 10 weeks you won't give a sh*t what you paid for it. The prices seem a little high, but if it's the only deal you have go for it.

  13. #13
    chamberman is offline New Member
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    Will my results be that good after 10 weeks? ON my first cycle I did Deca , winny, and threw in a little equipoise , a 12 week cycle. Got OK results, was never sore after working out the next day-which I ALWAYS am- burned alot of fat mostly and got more veins popping out everywhere, they still pop out nicely after being off for 3 months now.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by chamberman
    Will my results be that good after 10 weeks? ON my first cycle I did Deca, winny, and threw in a little equipoise, a 12 week cycle. Got OK results, was never sore after working out the next day-which I ALWAYS am- burned alot of fat mostly and got more veins popping out everywhere, they still pop out nicely after being off for 3 months now.
    You have test this time so in my opinion you'll get better results.

  15. #15
    BootyJuice24's Avatar
    BootyJuice24 is offline Associate Member
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    161 is a site that sells research if you want to check that out for research purposes that's cool....just don't overdose any guinea pigs..squeek squeek. As for prices...yes they are super high,.....You are in a border state of patient or talk around locally and you will be able to get things cheap as hell man...if not go get em yourself. I can tell you from experience just start the nolva with your cycle....10 mg a day and go up to 20 mg if you need it. Better to stop something before it starts then deal with it later, and nolva is not so expensive that its gonna make or break you anyway.

  16. #16
    BootyJuice24's Avatar
    BootyJuice24 is offline Associate Member
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    I would also recommend you type in nolvadex in the search window and read up on it...every question you asked is answered on here more than once. So take some time and research....will be well worth it

  17. #17
    chamberman is offline New Member
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    Yeah, I have been trying to read as much as I can, just alot of info to absorb. Thanks for the help. When I come off the cycle, could I use tribilus-two doses a day instead of clomid, or not strong enough?

  18. #18
    bignuts's Avatar
    bignuts is offline Junior Member
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    if u dont want to hold alot of water id run letro during the cycle and them nolva for pct

  19. #19
    chamberman is offline New Member
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    One more thing-I'd probably say 40% of the guys at any given time in the free weight area of my gym are juiced. I want to ask them about prices, cycles, etc.., but not sure how to approach them. Everytime I try they always deny they are using and it is so obvious, but I need to shop around for some prices so I get the best deal I can. Any suggestions on how to get them to not think I am a narc or something and just shoot straight with me????

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chamberman
    One more thing-I'd probably say 40% of the guys at any given time in the free weight area of my gym are juiced. I want to ask them about prices, cycles, etc.., but not sure how to approach them. Everytime I try they always deny they are using and it is so obvious, but I need to shop around for some prices so I get the best deal I can. Any suggestions on how to get them to not think I am a narc or something and just shoot straight with me????
    Make friends with them

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