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Thread: Winstrol Useage in training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question Winstrol Useage in training

    hey i was wondering about the time i should use winstrol, we have track season in the spring and we get tested in april/may, should i take it at the beginning of our training like in october/november or wait til later, my big concern is keeping the gains i get from it, like leg speed and quickness, does anybody have advise or when a good time to take it is, thanks for all your help!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    bro winny can be detected from anywhere from a month-two monthes. My friend failed a test and he hadn't used it for a month and a half. Don't take it too close to the season because winny along can cause sore joints which will interfere w/ your training. As for keeping gains, the muscle gains you get from winny you will keep, as for leg speed and such I do not have experience w/ that, I have not used winny for that purpose. IMO you would not be able to maintain the same speed in the legs you had when off the winny, it's just like when you lose some strength after a cycle.


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