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  1. #1
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Can you think of one?

    Now before you read this, realize, I am not a bodybuilder, i just have a very high respect for them. Can you guys think of a sport, that requires more dedication than bodybuilding? If you can, I'm all ears, because I really don't think there is another sport out there(and trust me, I've played em all from hockey, to tennis, to baseball, and soccer), where if you want to really succeed, requires 24/7 dedication. I was just reading BB's post that is a sticky up top. And this was the first thing that came to me. Now this isn't to say, other sports don't require dedication. Because, they all do, tremendously, but these guys don't have to worry about staying in an anabolic state 24 hours a day, like Pro's do. They don't have to worry about Getting enough calories, rest, and training , which requires every ounce of energy to maintain. I know they are all juiced to the gills, but still, you gotta believe they work hard to get to where they are. Just something to think about..What do you think?

    Last edited by PaPaPumP; 09-29-2001 at 09:35 PM.

  2. #2
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    man i couldnt agree more bro, and i gotta tell ya, its fu**in hard to do sometimes, staying focused, getting to the gym, AND THE DIET...................boy , i dont even want go there. dont get me wrong, i strive to do everything in my power to adhere to what i know will make me stronger, and keep me growing, but you're right its a 24/7 job. nice post btw........................

    peace bb79

  3. #3
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    'Tis true. Maybe triathletes or cyclists. Good post dude, but it'd be a little more interesting to throw the question of "Who's better than bodybuilders" to a group of peeps who aren't ALL bb's more or less.

  4. #4
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Nathan
    ' Good post dude, but it'd be a little more interesting to throw the question of "Who's better than bodybuilders" to a group of peeps who aren't ALL bb's more or less.

    i agree bro, and i think the responses would be very interesting to see, and the arguements that would come even better to listen to.

    peace bb79

  5. #5
    dane26's Avatar
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    i'm really not a bodybuilder either. i just love to train. i will never compete or anything like that. but, what PaPa says its true. every piece of food you eat, every hour of sleep you get, and every rep of every set you do has to be right. i played baseball at a very high level and we would take softer than normal swings or not run hard all the time. we would always dog it, and it didn't really matter. in baseball, you get good from doing things over and over. repetition is everything. in bb, you not only have to not do the same things all time, but you have increase weight everytime. on top of all that, no other sport revolves so much around science. its tough to keep up

  6. #6
    big_guy is offline Associate Member
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    well, im a football fanatic. Football resembles this total dedication in alot of ways. after a season is completed. The very next week training starts for the next season which is 9 months away. The only thing that i'd say makes bb more of a dedication sport, is that in football raw talent can make up for lack of dedication to an extent. But to be a truly great player (play in NFL), one must have raw talent and be dedicated... BUT to be a great BB u must have GREAT genetics. just a thought...


  7. #7
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Damn good post...PaPa! I was just talking about this with my parents a while back- they're are also very involved in training and fitness. Anyways BB is truely a "lifestyle". I take it very seriously, and it comes first in my life. I am consumed by it, addicted to it. I am not a bodybuilder either...yet. But I have the upmost respect for all those that are. The dedication they commit to is almost un-fathomable-day in day out, week in week out, year in year out, and it's a none stop legacy.

  8. #8
    Tobey is offline Retired IRON CHEF Mod
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    Good Post Papa Pump

    Good Post Papa Pump,
    Yes BB is a 7 day a week,365 day a year sport. But I can think of another that I thought that I would throw at you. You every try being a Parent. I mean a really good one? 7 days a week, 365 days a year my little ones look and watch everything I say,react to and do with admiration. I never really thought about it before until one day a couple of years ago my ex-wife called me up screaming one day about why was her 7 year old little boy in the bathroom shaving his legs claiming that he wanted to be just like his Papa. (I caught him posing down for a little girl on the play ground as well showing off his Muscles!) I mean he never saw me shaving , he just noted that about me and followed suit. It was one of the best compliments that I think that I have ever had and at the same time one of the most eye awaking experiences that I have every had as well. I had to have a long talk about why I shaved and how when one day when he was old enough if he wanted to work out with me and possible compete that we would talk about shaving then but until then maybe he netter leave shaving alone because some of his friends might not understand ect. I really had to think and choose me words carefully when i have these long talks. Both of my kids look up to me so much and that is really a hard and somtimes intiminateing title to keep up, like every human I fail from time to time and teaching a small one that failure is as much a part of life as succeding is ain't easy. Escpessically when you know that they put you on such a high pedalstal and that failure is not somthing that they associate with you at all. I explain to them that it is the failing that lets me know what I need to work on in life to suceed. And yeah it is a sport, just try keeping up with a now 10 and 8 year old. Gives you a whole new prespective on cardio. Just a thought,
    Last edited by Tobey; 09-30-2001 at 08:11 AM.

  9. #9
    bigtraps's Avatar
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    All the Wrestlers out there know what i am talking about. That was the toughest sport i ever partisipated in.

  10. #10
    Tobey is offline Retired IRON CHEF Mod
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    I can relate to that Big Traps

    I was a wrestler in JH and in High school. Remeber starving yourself and running all night long trying to make weigh in the next morning before a wrestring match? Still, I have to admit that BB does require alot more of my attention.

  11. #11
    bigtraps's Avatar
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    What i think is the toughest part, and what they both have in common.. is the deiting.. When you wrestled back in HS you probably did not have to diet as hard i am guessing cause of you metabolism. They are both very tough, and require extreme detication. I wish i could of had this much dedication back when i was in H.S. My football coach would have bought me a car or something LOL!

  12. #12
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
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    You guys, all good answers. And yes, I do know that parenting consumes all of a person's life, and will always come first in my life when I finally take the plunge. I am not even close to that, nor am I ready, but I know when it finally happens, I will have to sacrifice training for taking care of a human life, which all you will agree with me, is 1000 times more important then bigger muscles.

    And to the wrestlers. You know what? You might have got me on that one. I had many friends in high school who were wrestlers. I would see them starving themselves day in and day out, some losing close to 40 lbs. before the first meet, which is freaking ridiculous!! I mean shit, high school kids have more important matter to attain to, like having fun, having friends, and deciding on career choices. But to all t heir own. I didn't have to worry about the starving myself, for i was a Basketball Player....(Let the flaming begin)


  13. #13
    Full Intensity's Avatar
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    It ain't no sport but i'd say being a priest and/or monk requires all the dedication in the world. There hands are probably rougher then ours LOL!

  14. #14
    shadowed is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up awesome reply

    this is what i is awesome..........i know that i am obssessed with it...........ever since my brother got me into bc he didnt want me to get fat like he used to be...i've been obssessed with it............along the way it did some things wrong...never got enough sleep in high school eneded up with mono....losing the 20 pounds that i had busted my ass for a year trying to get......losing out my senior season and any chances of going anywhere with baseball.........BUT...and this is a big ass BUt................the more i learn about it ....the more i want it...and the harder i work at it.....knowing that all the time im at thegym and evryone is out drinking and doing their actually helping myself...................and since i found this board its like everyone on here ..atelast i think everyone knows exactly what im atlking about.................there aint no better feeling then the waking up feeling sore fter you know that you had a kickass workout the night all the looks that you get form chics....older ..younger..shit even think the guy in the bar with the big ass gut is gettingthese looks....nuhuh..................anyways to put it simple .... this has become my life..and iwouldnt change any part if it...........this is the thing i love most about my life.............and fuck anyone who trys to chnage that or take away fomr it...........
    anyways thats me guys..............

  15. #15
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Shadow, I'm lovin what you just said, but it was a buddy of mine who got hefty, and he got me into the gym. I am addicted. I simply love it, the atmosphere, the sweat, the
    s alllllllll good. I would not change the way I live for anything (maybe a BJ from Pamela Lee 3 times a day for life................... you know what, I'd almost rather have muscles because there are still other hunnies out there that want something hard to grab on to instead of soft anf flabby) No i don't mean THAT hard guys are sick!

  16. #16
    jssmc's Avatar
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    I agree with you guys, but the only sport i can think of that is comproable is collegiate wrestling. This is a full time job. Some of the wrestlers cut more than 25 pounds to make a weight they want to wrestle at. My coach in high school cut 20 pounds in two days to make weight in college. These guys are crazy and the conditioning is nuts. They have to monitor what they eat all the time and sometimes dont eat at all. So I would have to say that they are highly dedicated to their sport. If you know any wrestlers, you would know what I am talking about.
    Just my 2 Cents!

  17. #17
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    Okay can you believe it I have nothing to say on this post.... that is a first..

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