This will be my 4th cycle (not counting some small PH cycles).
Goals: to lean out and increase lean mass, I would be happy with ending up at 275-280 @ 12%
Around 15%
Few measurements:
arms 21 inch
chest 54 inch
waist 37 inch
This will be a relatively short cycle (10 Weeks) and will be the first time I have run UG gear, I have only run human grade for my previous cycles (exception of EQ, tren and var). All gear is made by Propharm (UGL) with the exception of the GH which is Jintropin.
Week 1-10----Prop 100mg ED
Week 1-8----Tren Acetate 75mg ED
Week 6-10----Stan 50mg caps ED
Jintropin 3.5ius 6/1 split (been running the growth for 2 months already to increase IGF-1 levels)
50mgs MDHT (methyl-rage) 45 min pre workout when needed
Femara 1.25mg ED (very sensitive to gyno)
Nolva on hand
Followed by a 4 week typical PCT
Will be eating clean, this is the most important part because I can gain weight very easily. I will be training 5 days a week.
I think thats it, I'm sure if I miss anything you guys will point it out