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  1. #1
    ballnk Guest

    Question Test Cyp only cycle and training for basketball

    This is my first post here, but I've been reading AS message boards for a couple of years now, so I don't really consider myself a newbie. In about a month, I'll be starting a TT Test Cyp cycle for 10 weeks @ 500 mgs/wk, with a 1000 mg frontload; everything separated in 2 shots a week. BTW, I have everything on hand right now. Also, will take clomid, ala, creatine during cycle, as well as a few other precautionary otc supps; plus have nolva on hand. My diet will be in order, for sure, consisting of about 6 meals/day. I am 19 yrs old, about 195, 6'6", and been training for 3-4 yrs, 2 years seriously. I realize I am fairly skinny by all the members' standards, and have natural potential left, but I need to get bigger and stronger by next basketball season, and that's something that won't be around forever. Anyway, it's my choice, and I'm prepared to stick with it.
    I will also be on a very intense plyometric routine which involves doing squts 3 times a week, besides a dozen other plyo exercises. After 2 weeks however, this routine will go down to 2 workouts per week, so I'll have more time to concentrate on my upper body. Will be doing chest/bis, back/bis, shoulders, as well as legs with this plyo routine, so I will be working out 5-6 days a week.
    My goals are to add some decent muscle, and increase athleticism, especially vertical leap. My question is, will the Cyp really help me in the areas where I want to improve, and will doing this intense leg workout hamper my gains in other body parts. What kind of gains should I expect, and when will the test kick in? Comments on training? Also, will doing cardio, such as basketball every day have a huge impact on my gains? And any other comments or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot


  2. #2
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    how much running are you going to be doing in the offseason while you're on cyp? the reason i ask is because steroids really lower your aerobic capacity, especially ones that aromatize a lot like test. you should consider getting some arimidex to run alongside your test to prevent this from happening. like the junkie said, winny/test would be a good choice.

    what college do you play for?

  3. #3
    ballnk Guest
    Thanks for the replies guys. The chest/bis, back/tris actually wasn't a type. It's just something I'd like to try out as I've heard that you can't work your triceps to their full potential on chest day, as they're already tired. As for the running, I'll really try to keep it to a minimum, but will do sprints, etc, to keep me in shape, and really intensify it towards the end of the summer. I've considered winny even during this cycle, but I've heard of joint pains, and that the drug itself is highly overrated.
    I will try to get ahold of some liquidex to keep the water retention down, but for some reason I have a feeling that my body type (6'6"-6'7" extotherm) really isn't that susceptible to gyno, and extreme water retention. This isn't proven or anything... it's just a gut feeling, but I'll still most likely use the liquidex (I know there's a really good price on the net... but i have yet to find it!!!).
    So will this test cyp really significantly lower my aerobic activity? I'll get winded quicker, etc?
    As for what school I play for, I'd really like to keep that secret, as it's a popular D1 school, and I don't want to get anything out. Thanks a lot guys

  4. #4
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
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    i like the chest/bi, back/tri routine and often use it myself.

    you may not be susceptable to gyno, but you'll succum to water retention.

    if you don't want to use winny then you may consider some anavar . it's a lot better IMO, but it's also much more expensive.

    when i'm off cycle i can run a mile in around 5 minutes. when i'm on cycle my time drops to about 8:30 if i don't take arimidex .

    the reason i ask about your school is if you're competing against my school (i'm out of school now, but i don't know how to spell all-mamauter ) then i may not be inclined to help you.

  5. #5
    BIG_JDAWG is offline Associate Member
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    bro, you could also add some EQ in there as well as the test. and run the winny later on. yes, you might experience joint pains. but since you play ball at a bigtime D1 school, i am sure you know how it is going through pain during practice. i was a starter on my high school team for 3 years, and i know how it is to practice/play with pain because i also played football. i don't think it's anything that you can't suck up and take. if you have the right state of mind and are mentally tough, you can handle it. but anyways, you could add some EQ in there and i think that will give you better pumps, more muscular endurance, more density, and more hardness to your muscles. which IMO, could help your vertical jumping because you will keep nearly all of your gains. you also wont have to worry about a drug test because EQ is out of the system within 1-2 weeks. just a thought bro.

    Big J

  6. #6
    ballnk Guest
    I realize there's a lot of things I could stack with, but I'm sort of set for just test right now, plus I won't be making any more trips to Mexico this year. There's always time next year though

    Dr. Evil, your points bring up a question for me. I didn't realize that bloat could be so bad from just test, but I see I'll be dealing with it more than I thought. Anyway, let's say that I didn't use armidrex/liquidex throughout my cycle, and retained unwanted water. After training with all this bloat, would I have increased endurance after coming off the cycle and losing the water? The way I see it, the water weight would act like weights on your body, making you train harder to jump higher, etc.

    What do you guys think about my dosages for a first cycle (1g first week, 500 mg 9 weeks)?

    And the school I go to is in the SouthWest... all I can say really

    Greatly appreciated


  7. #7
    dyno45 is offline Junior Member
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    For a first cycle, that is about right. My first cycle was cyp only. ran 400 mg per week for 10 weeks and gained 18 lbs. Ate like a mother though. I was at 180 lbss then. kept most of my gains (minus the water) with just clomid. No gyno luckily. (light doses). I'm about 15 years older than you are though. Good luck with it.

  8. #8
    goldenFloyd's Avatar
    goldenFloyd is offline Member
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    did a very similar cycle, with .75mg arimidex ed no water. i do a similar workout routine - chest, back/bi, shoulder/tri, legs, 5 days a week... expect good gains, and if you are susceptable to acne, expect a good amount of that (i.e. if you had it going through puberty)... the frontloading i noticed acne which subsided during the constant blood levels in the cycle, then came back post cycle. i'm hoping my next cycle will be tapered and avoid some of that...

  9. #9
    goldenFloyd's Avatar
    goldenFloyd is offline Member
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    oh yea, the tt cyp shots hurt like a bitch. i didn't read everyone's post, but really expect it to hurt, maybe even affect your workouts... so time your injections well.

  10. #10
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
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    i don't know if it will improve your endurance. the thing is, it's not so much extra unwanted weight, but it's something related to pressure, and your muscles going anaerobic much more quickly when on cycle. your endurance improves when your muscles can better utilize oxygen... i don't know.

  11. #11
    double o seven is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by goldenFloyd
    oh yea, the tt cyp shots hurt like a bitch. i didn't read everyone's post, but really expect it to hurt, maybe even affect your workouts... so time your injections well.
    i second that. i did my first tt cyp shot and played in a softball tournament the next day, and i was out of commision for like 3 days. i did it in my glute and i couldn't sit, walk, or stand comfortably let alone work out. time them very carefully.


  12. #12
    PunkRawk is offline Member
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    winstrol is a better drug for an athlete looking for endurance and some size/strength

  13. #13
    PunkRawk is offline Member
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    almost betting it was ttokkyo cyp....human cyp should have never done that to you...

    Originally posted by double o seven

    i second that. i did my first tt cyp shot and played in a softball tournament the next day, and i was out of commision for like 3 days. i did it in my glute and i couldn't sit, walk, or stand comfortably let alone work out. time them very carefully.


  14. #14
    Iron Ghost is offline New Member
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    bro, i was in the same place as you when i was 19. I took a cycle of upjohn cypionate , 400mg/wk, for only 8 weeks. I did it right after my season and wanted to get ready for next season. I was running small forward and guard and i wanted a little more size to bang in the boards against the 7 footers. I measured up at 6'2" in my shoes. Anyway, to answer some Q's for you. One major thing that i noticed that will really help your game is your confidence. 10 to 15 extra pounds and some added aggression can do wonders. I also trained Squat jumps 3 times a week and box jumps every day, as well as suicides and all your cardio. My endurance went through the roof. My vertical went up a good 5 inches. Being able to hit elbow on the rim and get up there quit surprised a lot of tall guys. The water weight was not an issue. I was quicker than ever. I don't know if i helped at all, but i tried.

    good luck

  15. #15
    ballnk Guest
    hey thanks a lot iron ghost, that makes me even more excited to start. i'm hyped!

  16. #16
    double o seven is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE]Originally posted by PunkRawk
    [B]almost betting it was ttokkyo cyp....human cyp should have never done that to you...



  17. #17
    quasar's Avatar
    quasar is offline Associate Member
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    damn, that was a little harsh. chill out bro. AS are performance enhancing drugs, a lot of the players do it in a lot of college sports. why do you gotta flame a guy who spent the time to research something that will help him out.

    Originally posted by tmac
    Hey Man. Yeah sounds like you got your shit together, but you never fuckin know what will happen. Dont be such a puss and do it naturally. You probably cant even ball just wanna become someone, its all good tho. Maybe you shoudl drop down and try some d2 kid. That is if you cant hack it. later puss

  18. #18
    Iron Ghost is offline New Member
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    Geez tmac, you obviously know what you are talking about. If you had any experience with real athletics, you would understand that during a season, your body is under so much stress from the constant cardio of practice everyday for 2-3 hours with atleast a half hour of intense cardio seperate from the practice itself, not including games, unless you sit the bench, which is probably where you come in. It is almost impossible to make weight and strength gains during all of this, no matter how many calories you take in. You only have a few months during off season to train and when you start seeing real results from it, practice starts up again. Ballnk obviously has a lot of talent or he would be going to the school that he is at and he is thinking with his head on straight because he is coming here first. This is a once in a lifetime chance for him and i understand how he wants to make the most of it. I just hope he is smart and safe about it. I wish him the best of luck. Tmac - you can atleast pic a better role model than that cross-eyed scrub.

    to everyone else - Sorry for being harsh but he hit a nerve with me.

  19. #19
    BIG_JDAWG is offline Associate Member
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    this post was totally uncalled for. if you can not give any support, then get the hell off this board. we are all here to help. not to discourage anyone, and definately not to call a fellow member a puss.

    Big J

  20. #20
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Originally posted by BIG_JDAWG
    this post was totally uncalled for. if you can not give any support, then get the hell off this board. we are all here to help. not to discourage anyone, and definately not to call a fellow member a puss.

    Big J
    Except for Nathan - we all know he is a big (well, probably pretty small) puss

    Where is good old Nat, when I need someone to verbally abuse?

    But unless you are heaping scorn on Nathan, you had better keep derogatory comments off this board - especially when it is to people who seem like they have their act together.

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