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Thread: No Blood Tests before going on cycle???

  1. #1

    Unhappy No Blood Tests before going on cycle???

    Alright, im not getting any tests done before, but I have been off AAS for well over 4 monthes. Haven't able to get ahole of doc to do it, but a good vet at the gym said go ahead he only used ot get tested every 6 months and says ill be alright, not like im taking crazy high doses. I will get some blood work done maybe during but definetly after. I know I should have a starting base to see where im at, but im sure ill be fine, any comments, go ahead and flame if need be.

  2. #2
    ABout too do my first shot of Prop pretty soon, so if anyone thinks i should hold off let me know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jaffry20
    Alright, im not getting any tests done before, but I have been off AAS for well over 4 monthes. Haven't able to get ahole of doc to do it, but a good vet at the gym said go ahead he only used ot get tested every 6 months and says ill be alright, not like im taking crazy high doses. I will get some blood work done maybe during but definetly after. I know I should have a starting base to see where im at, but im sure ill be fine, any comments, go ahead and flame if need be.
    i have never had a blood test before

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtdawg
    i have never had a blood test before

    Sweet deal bro, just makes me worry less now, and im sure you have done ALOT more gear then I have, thanks bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Gym
    You should be ok they are usually just to compare to during and post cycle results to see how it effects you.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ChefJ
    You should be ok they are usually just to compare to during and post cycle results to see how it effects you.

    Yeah, I don't plan on doing a cycle waiting till my body is back to normal then hitting the sauce again. Im doing a cycle now and maybe another ina year or 2 or maybe never depending on how I React. I like to get that little boost then go natural again for a year or 2 the hit another. Im in no rush and don't like putting my body threw harsh **** like this all the time. Plus my BP goes through the roof, I have a terrible temper but am very good at controlling it, only explode when alone, punching Bag!!

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