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Thread: Everyone Has An Opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Everyone Has An Opinion

    EVERYONE HAS AN OPINION. I have been researching alot for the past 3-4 months. Different websites, books, and experienced users have opposing views on the same topics. I understand that we all react differently, but used correctly, individual results can't be 180 degrees from each other can they? I would really appreciate some experience from the guys in this forum on the following:
    Deca: (Yes or No)
    1) does it shut you down so bad that you can't get it up if used with a test?
    2) does it promote gyno or the symptoms associated with it?
    Sustanol: (Yes or No)
    1) is it better than reg. test?
    2) is it worth a ****?
    which test is the best: cyp/prop/eth
    33 yo,5'6", 178 lbs., 10-12%BF(31" waist) , lifting since 1991(345 bench)
    testoviran depot (3 cycles); 1ad & 4ad most recently
    want to gain 10-12lbs(quality muscle) and tone/harden up for spring

    thanks for taking the time to read this!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    1. It can
    2. It can
    1. No not in my opinion
    2. Yes, depending on goals

    Cyp and E are almost the same thing, just different esters-Both great
    Prop is a short ester/good for cutting over size IMO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    in the garage
    Deca: (Yes or No)
    1) does it shut you down so bad that you can't get it up if used with a test?
    2) does it promote gyno or the symptoms associated with it?

    1)i used deca all by its self once and it did not shut me down as hard as they all say
    so no it wont necasarily keep you from getting it up especialy when ran with test
    2)yes it can cause gyno due to the progesterone but this can be stopped by using
    a number of things(b6 200mg ed, bromo, and or letro)

    Sustanol: (Yes or No)
    1) is it better than reg. test?
    2) is it worth a ****?

    1) it is regular test just 4 different kinds all in one
    2)yes i will get you gains. but unless shot ED it will cause your test levels to fluctuate which will cause more sides. dollar for dollar enenthate cyp. or prop will be better

    which test is the best: cyp/prop/eth
    test-e and test-c are almost the same thing. long estered compounds that only need to be shot once or twice a week
    prop is a shorter estered test that requires everyday injections. some say there is less water retention with the prop
    all three are testosterone so as far as which one is better, that will be dependent on your opinion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    thank guys

    thank guys, I appreciate your time and info.

  5. #5
    Swellin Guest
    As far as deca goes, shutting you down and your willy working are not necessarily the same thing. How do you know if something has shut you down as hard as everyone tells.....bloodwork!

    There are reasons that the fine folks on this site preach so many thing that most of us think are unecessary. Here is a perfect example: We preach to use test only or test and dbol for a first cyle so you know which compounds do what. We also preach to get your bloodwork done before and after each cycle (at the very least).

    If you get the pre&post bloodwork with a test only cycle, you know how well your hpta has recovered from test only.

    Then, when you use deca in that same cycle...your bloodwork will usually show you that your hpta has not fully recovered in the same amount of time...even though your willy works.

    In answer to your question, deca can shut you down very badly. It can screw up your libido to the point that a much larger dose of test needs to be run in order to counter the libido problems (the jury is currently out on why this happens...but theories abound...I'm waiting on Pheedno to help with this, or possibly redbaron).

    Deca can promote pregesterone induced gyno, but it is not very likely. Some recent arguments on the subject have left some to believe that deca induced gyno is almost as rare as the do-do bird.

    Sust...better than regular test.......NO.

    Test is test. Choose a test based on your goals. Sust is more or less a source drug. They make tons on sust, so they tend to tell folks it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Sust is very difficult to use and keep your blood plasma levels constant. Effectively, it takes ED injects to minimize the hormonal fluctuations.

    Is is worth a shizzle...yes. It is test, and it works. It is the least cost effective test of the bunch (simply because it is the most expensive), but it works.

    Which test is best?

    What do you want? Prop is great for a kick start, a cruise, a cutter, and a coast into pct. It also works for bulking, but it bloats less and people think they have grown more when they are all puffy and bloated.

    Cyp and enanthate are essentially the same thing, but they produce slightly different results for different people. Enanthate is usually cheaper and more readily availible, so it is usually the first choice. Both cyp and enan hurt much less than prop, and they can be injected twice a week where as prop should be injecte ED or EOD.

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