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Thread: 3rd cycle, what do ya think?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    3rd cycle, what do ya think?

    this is the cycle im planning to do:
    1-4 prop 140mg eod (1.4ml "competitive edge" prop)
    1-9/10 tren a 90mg eod (1.2ml "bd" tren)
    1-12 enant 500wk (iranian or bd) *
    13-14 prop 140mg eod
    9-14 winny 50mg ed

    * as i have to inject prop and tren eod anyway, i will add 150mg of enanth to that mix and shoot it eod.
    i know, you are thinking: why not prop? because my source has finished it and wont be able to re-stock for 1-2 months!

    nolva and proviiron all cycle - pct with nolva and clomid

    what do you think about this? would you add t3 or eq to that cycle? what would you change?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mental Institution
    Quote Originally Posted by fabry
    this is the cycle im planning to do:
    1-4 prop 140mg eod (1.4ml "competitive edge" prop)
    1-9/10 tren a 90mg eod (1.2ml "bd" tren)
    1-12 enant 500wk (iranian or bd) *
    13-14 prop 140mg eod
    9-14 winny 50mg ed
    I can understand the jump start with prop but why run it for two weeks at the end of the cycle?

    I would move the tren to the back half of the cycle. Drop the prop weeks 13-14.

    This way everything is 'hitting on all cylinders' at the the same time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    [QUOTE=Diesel]I can understand the jump start with prop but why run it for two weeks at the end of the cycle?

    I'm guessing this way he can hit pct 3 days after his last inject. Also why not hit the tren and prop ed?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    the prop at the end is to keep high test level till pct (yep, 3 days after last prop shot, that will also be 2 wks after last enanth shot).
    tren and prop ed? i know, i should, but ed injections... auch! dunno, will see...
    thanks for advices...
    ah, regardin trend beginning of cycle, i thought it was better coz i will take winny end of cycle and i odnt want to take too many drugs at the same time... but maybe im wrong...

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