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Thread: Last Prop cycle injection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sweet Italy

    Last Prop cycle injection

    I did my last injection of an only Prop cycle at 75mg ED on Wednsday into my quad and I start feeling pain afer just a few minutes (normally it takes two days), I thought because since it was the last Vial instead of 75mg I injected 110 but on Friday the quad started swelling down to the knee and the pain got worst and Saturday I could barely walk.
    Today Sunday the pain has gone but the swelling is still there.
    Could I have hit a nerve or something?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If you hit a nerve, trust me, you would have known when you took the poke. I've hit nerves a couple time and I nearly jump through the roof. If proper injection techniques were used it could be just a reaction to the extra BA in the injection. The pain subsiding today is a good sign and the swelling should follow shortly. Just keep an eye on the site and keep us posted.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sweet Italy
    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    If you hit a nerve, trust me, you would have known when you took the poke. I've hit nerves a couple time and I nearly jump through the roof. If proper injection techniques were used it could be just a reaction to the extra BA in the injection. The pain subsiding today is a good sign and the swelling should follow shortly. Just keep an eye on the site and keep us posted.
    Thanks, this was the first cycle with ED injection and I must say it was tough also because of Prop and related pain. I've learnt that butt shots are ok but I needed an extra site for injection rotation so the quads were my choice.
    Sometimes I got pain for almost a week with quad injections but it the swelling on my last one that did surprise me so I was wondering if I did something wrong. I took all precautions when injecting (but I never took a shover like some bros advice) and if I'm asking it's only because I really need help on something unexpected, I don't want to annoy tihis board with freaky newbie help post.

    Thanks again for your help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    you should be ok when i inject prop into my bicep or tricep i cant move it and it goes red but clears up

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