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Thread: Going to China

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Going to China

    I will be going to China this summer for a few weeks.
    Can you go into a pharmcay and buy AAS?
    Also, my jino is out of China, can I get jino kits there? Do you get them in a pharmacy.
    I will be in Hong Kong, Beijing and some other areas.
    Also how do you get it out of the country? Mail it to yourself?
    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    You may be able to buy some steroid powders.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bigjohnr
    I will be going to China this summer for a few weeks.
    Can you go into a pharmcay and buy AAS?
    Also, my jino is out of China, can I get jino kits there? Do you get them in a pharmacy.
    I will be in Hong Kong, Beijing and some other areas.
    Also how do you get it out of the country? Mail it to yourself?
    Thanks for your help.
    sea mail would be ideal rather than air bcuz of customs but i do believe you can get gear pretty easy out there

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    thanks guys. juiceinthehood, that is a great idea, i didn't think of sending by sea.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004

  7. #7
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Keep any shipping techniques to PM's only

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    North Pole
    Well if you decide to smuggle em out the old fashioned way, I'd be able to carry a few dozen bottles across fer ya in the ol' small intestine. Lemme kno.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    You cannot buy AAS or powders at pharmacies in China.

    If you make arrangments before you go, you should be able to arrange a powder delivery to your hotel on a certain day. The same Chinese source should be able to source HGH for you at prices that will make your jaw drop. That's the easy part. Getting it back to your home will be more difficult.

    If you want to buy AAS, take a side trip to Thailand on the way home. Probably will only cost you an additional 2 or 3 bills for airfare, and you can find a cheap hotel. You only need to be in Bangkok for a day to get everything taken care of.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jake Barnes
    You cannot buy AAS or powders at pharmacies in China.

    If you make arrangments before you go, you should be able to arrange a powder delivery to your hotel on a certain day. The same Chinese source should be able to source HGH for you at prices that will make your jaw drop. That's the easy part. Getting it back to your home will be more difficult.

    If you want to buy AAS, take a side trip to Thailand on the way home. Probably will only cost you an additional 2 or 3 bills for airfare, and you can find a cheap hotel. You only need to be in Bangkok for a day to get everything taken care of.

    Thanks for the tip. I have been emailing companies in china and getting the powder the way you said seems easy and the GH prices are incredible. Getting it out is the problem. thanks again, I will probably not get anything while in China, not worth the risk

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Provo Utah
    my bro went to hong kong and he wanted to get some but they wanted to take his passport number down for anything needing a perscription so he didn't risk it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Talking China/Hong Kong Gear

    Quote Originally Posted by nitro_fusion
    my bro went to hong kong and he wanted to get some but they wanted to take his passport number down for anything needing a perscription so he didn't risk it
    I've been living in China just over the boarder from Hong Kong for a little over a year now. You can most definitely get gear in Hong Kong without a prescription or the need to give any identifying information, but your regular "Watsons" drug store won't do this. They're real uptight about it. But there's a chain of pharmacies in HK that are very open about selling AAS without a script and they're actually real friendly about it too. The prices are a bit high though, but you know the gear is genuine. I know they sell Testoviron Depot 250, Deca, HGH, Nolvadex, Proscar, and Arimidex. Availability may be limited as people will come in while on a trip and clean them out of their stock. They can replenish stock within 24 hours though, but it's best to call ahead and have them set some stuff aside for you if you'll only be in town for a short time.

    As for the pharmacies in China - well stuff is even cheaper over the boarder in China and again no prescription is needed for the non-addictive drugs. But you'll need to speak Chinese to get anything and you'll need to go to a real pharmacy at a hospital or clinic, not a common drug store. Getting ancillaries should be easy in China as many are made here but AAS will probably not be very easy to actually find in stock.

    Orals are brought over by "dealers" who go to Thailand to get them and then bring them into China. The prices are dirt cheap and the quality is good.

    Bigjohnr, if you are in China for a few weeks and have access to a good gym, then why not pick up some gear in HK and then run a short cycle while here? US customs can't do anything about what you carry back in your veins! Getting gear over the boarder from HK to China is very, very easy. Do an injection again of a long acting ester before you fly home and you can continue your cycle for another week... just a thought.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Thanks guys!!! You are a great help!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    China Dawg, that's some good info about HK. What are the brands available w/o scripts in the pharmacy over there?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Cool HK Gear

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake Barnes
    China Dawg, that's some good info about HK. What are the brands available w/o scripts in the pharmacy over there?
    I only know a few:

    Schering Testoviron Depot 250
    Organon Sustanon 250
    Organon Deca-Durabolin
    Lilly Humatrope (need to order though)
    Nexmed Befar - for deca dick, ED
    Proscar finasteride

    Of course no vet drugs and some limited selection...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Great post guys, I have som buds who live in HK on and off. They realy like the city alot, have a great trip.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Thanks CD, you are the man in HK.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2004
    This has been some great information. China Dawg has been incredibly helpful. he is a great bro. Thanks China Dawg!!!
    Last edited by bigjohnr; 03-05-2005 at 04:39 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Hey China Dawg any idea on the pricing in HK? Thanks

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    China Dawg I go to HK all the time. Can you PM me the name of the Pharmacy chain ?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    china dawg i go to hk all the time too, could u plz pm me the name of the pharmacy chain too and would you know the availability of steriods in taiwan?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    SE Asia
    Could you PM me the chain as well? I was there last week for a few days in the Kowloon area.

    Thanks Man!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Prices and Taiwan

    bigjohnr - I'll PM you about prices since I don't think we're supposed to give specifics in the open forum. In general though they're a bit higher than the average street price in the U.S. and certainly higher than Thailand. But you're buying from a pharmacy, so you are assured it's not fake. This isn't like some of the pharmacies in Mexico. They've got nothing but legit stuff in HK. But if you've got a good source in the U.S. you're really better off giving them the business.

    rainmaker - Sorry I personally don't know about juice in Taiwan, haven't been there...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    On AR's Forum
    why not go to THAILAND
    1 $USD = 38.41 $THAI BAHT
    1 $USD = 8.27 $CHINA YUEN

    Mr Universe owns a gym in Thailand
    why buy steroids from china drug dealers who smuggle from Thailand
    when you can go to Thailand to buy them

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Joey2ness
    why not go to THAILAND
    why buy steroids from china drug dealers who smuggle from Thailand
    when you can go to Thailand to buy them
    Bar girls, you forgot to mention the bar girls too! :-P
    I agree, you'll definitely get better prices in Thailand and better selection... on both women and gear!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    SE Asia
    Thanks for the scoop China Dawg.

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