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Thread: Cycle, no luck

  1. #1

    Cycle, no luck

    I have done several cycles in the past, deca, winstrol, omnadren, test E.

    All with minimal gains, I'm 5'10 and 168 pds. Its difficult for me to gain weight no matter how much I eat.

    Can someone tell me what a good cycle would be, definateley need to stack some serious stuff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    So what did your cycles look like ? How much were you eating ? What does your workout look like ? The problem will be in one of those three things

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    In the gym
    You don't need to stack tons and tons of drugs to get good results or to get 'swole'. All you need to do is eat properly and it will come with time and hard work.

    It sounds like your diet has honestly sucked if you have done some big gainers like deca and test e and not gotten anything but so-so gains.

    You should check out the diet section and get some tips there. To me it sounds like you arn't getting in enough calories or protein in the past. I bet once you start doing this you will get better gains then you ever did while on cycle.

  4. #4
    yeah, diet is tough for me, it probably takes twice the amount of porotien and calories that a normal person would need because of my Crohns disease, which is currently in remission, but I still think I'm not absorbing everything I eat, anybody else know about Crohns and diet? I definately need a boost too, ie JUICE!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    In the gym
    again, juice should be the last option in any case. Check out the diet and workout sections bro. They should help you through put on mass.

    I don't know anything about Crohns so I was wondering is it ok to mess with your bodys chemistry to this level with such a disease?

  6. #6
    Crohns is auto immune, basically it will effect my terminal ileum, I had 6 inches of that part of my intestine removed 2 years ago, I've been OK since. Its ok to mess with my bodies chemistry, nothing I take for supplements could compare to some of the prescribed meds I've been put on in the past. I even got paid to do a study, injecting growth hormone for 3 months while on prednisone!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    In the gym
    ic ic...

    Well then if drugs like test/deca/etc won't have adverse affects on you then I would honestly have to say that it is your diet/training that has hurt you in the past.

    What happend when you didn the GH? Did you get any noticable gains from that?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    How Old Are You Littlemac?

  9. #9
    29 years, the GH did nothing but keep my bones and muscles from weakening while on prednisone, which is a steroid but used to weaken your immune system that has awful side effects. The GH was given to me as a study to see if it would counteract the side effects, so no gains but maintenance. My brother in law is a hardcore trainer with tons of experience at the gym, who gives me programs, so its not my training, againg I probably have to double my intake of everything.

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