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Thread: It's been a while but I'm back

  1. #1

    It's been a while but I'm back


    It has been 14 years since I've been on the juice and I have two questions and thought I might get the advice. This first question might be rediculous to some but doing a bodybuilding show and being successfull is something I want to be able to say I've done.

    I got cancer (hodgkins Lymphoma ) when I was 19 and haven't had a reoccurance I playing russian roulette by doing a cycle.

    second.........I would like to know a good winstrol (Injectable) cycle for about 8-10 weeks....or is that to long???? I know I won't see many gains with V in respect to size but the quality gains I do get will be exactly that quality gains....I don't want to be bloated like I was at 18.

    Could you point me in the right direction and provide such information as to how many mg I will need and the average cost of winstrol in Canada specifically the Toronto area.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I would consult a physician and ask him if it is safe or not. I would say that it is not, because cancer feeds on our hormones, so if you had a reoccurance, it might spread cancer throughout your whole body. Seems wayyy too risky in my opinion. But I would def. talk to a Dr.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    And BTW, stick around here, there is a lot of very valuable info at this site. You will find that Winstrol only is a poor choice and NOT worth it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    North Pole
    No way would I even think about riskin it. Testosterone is believed by some to be a potential trigger certain illnesses. More commonly, psychological, but to achieve the goal of being successful in a bodybuilding comp. you would probably have to juice enough for it to become a health risk on its own... we know very little about what CAUSES most cancers. Not worth findin out if playin chemistry with your body is one of em.
    Last edited by DrugsrGood; 02-21-2005 at 11:07 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I agree with the others you need to proceed with EXTREAM CAUTION. Seek real profession advice and have the required test. I beleive Hodgkins can resurface. By the way did you do chemotherapy?? They do prescribe certain steroids to counteract the side effects from chemo. You might want to try to talk to a HGH specialist (I am not talking about some old MD who may Rx it either). There is a debate that HGH may or may not increase the growth of cancer cells but it depends on the type. Lymphatic I am not sure. There is a theory that it may also help by increasing both the thyroid and thymus gland which is responsible for your immune system function. Produces all the "T and killer cells.
    Last edited by bluethunder; 02-22-2005 at 06:23 AM.

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