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  1. #1
    boatyj is offline Banned
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    Feb 2002

    My Testicals Are Throbbing - Taking Clomid wrong?

    Aight... I asked this question before but no one had the answer, so I did it anyways.

    Here was my cycle:

    Week1: 250mg Sust/500 Deca
    Week2: 250mg Sust/250 Deca
    Week3: STOPPED Cold

    I STOPPED because I'm only 17, and after talking to a couple guys on the board, they suggested I stop because I was too young and a couple other reasons.

    <b>My Question:</b>

    I asked if I should drop the Clomid at the end of such a wussie Cycle, and no one answered me. Well, I didnt want Gyno or screwed up Horomones so I started taking it anyways. Its been about 6 weeks since my last AMP and Ive been taking 100mg Clomid for the past 4 days.

    Well, I did experience some testical shrinkage, and now that Im taking the Clomid, my nuts are starting to throb all day. Are they growing back... or am I screwing them up even more by taking the Clomid when I really dont need it?

    P.S. I gained about 12 pounds from this cycle (eatting a lot + supplementing with Creatine) and Ive been cutting for the past week. Down to about 6% body fat and only lost 3 pounds so far. Good Stuff... I really wanna do another REAL cycle, but I'll wait a couple months

  2. #2
    PunkRawk is offline Member
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    you need to jack off....seriously...that will help....yeah clomid does that....100 mg's is kinda high....use like 50...that would be better...

  3. #3
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Wtf? 2 weeks and gained 12lbs, the sus/deca shouldn't of even kicked in yet? Already cutting? 6%bf? Dude, I'm not flaming but this sounds kinda fishy, and why did you stop- if your gonna hit another REAL cycle in a couple months??? I'm amazed.

    Last edited by Iwan2bsolid2; 03-28-2002 at 06:44 PM.

  4. #4
    boatyj is offline Banned
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    Ya 12 pounds, and no not in two weeks.

    It's been 8 weeks total since I shot my first AMP.

    I also stopped because I didnt have enough gear to do the complete cycle, and not enough clomid to take for 3 weeks after the cycle.

    And by a couple months, I mean come 18 and a half. I'm already 6' tall, so I aint concerned with it screwin up my growth. (upwards)

  5. #5
    PunkRawk is offline Member
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    cut down the clomid...that's alot of stim.....

  6. #6
    jammergsxr's Avatar
    jammergsxr is offline Member
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    And dont forget to jackoff!!!You kill me punkhawk.

  7. #7
    lethalppl's Avatar
    lethalppl is offline Associate Member
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    ok does anyone else think this guy sounds little bit of fishy? YOu are 17 but couple of montsh u be 18 and 1/2. I was never good with math but how does couple of months change about at least 7 or 8 months.

  8. #8
    lethalppl's Avatar
    lethalppl is offline Associate Member
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    anyways i do not think u should be doing steriods if u do not plan out everything ahead of time because u can really hurt yourself. By way are u using proper injection techniques? make sure u are or u could kill yourself

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    aching testicals is normal with clomid use.. many also notice this with tribulus

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