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Thread: What do you tell a younger guy that knows what he's doing?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh

    What do you tell a younger guy that knows what he's doing?

    Alright I'll try to make this as short as possible. I work with a couple guys that workout fairly regularly, not nearly on this level but they know their way around a gym. One of them was telling me about a kid hes gotten to know at his gym and trains with on occation. The guy he was talking about is 19 and he went on to tell me about the young bro's AAS use as well as he could since he doesn't know anything on the topic.

    I decided yesterday that I'd go with him to his gym, get a temp pass to try out the facilities and maybe run into this guy to give him a talking to or at least make sure hes got proper pct.

    Coincidently he was there, I started talking to him about what he was doing, he did indeed have PCT and is taking HCG and explained in detail his cycles to me, his first one being when he was 18. He told me he knew the risks, has done loads of research and it did show. Hes about 6'0 220lbs and looking pretty d*amn jacked, if he dieted down I have no doubt he could steal a show, he said he does plan to compete soon.

    So anyway, I left him alone, didn't really know what to say... he seemed like a smart kid. What do you say to kids like that (for people that lurk the pic forums, see buffteen for another example)? The younger guys on here (18-20) seem to be accepted if they're knowledgeable and look massive for their age. BUT if someone new to AAS at the same age comes in, they're flamed and lectured to hell, but the guys who succeed are praised... not looking for a strait answer just your thoughts on how this works.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    If he already started, the opportunity to have him wait is over. Most young guys want everything quick... Muscles, huge pay that took their daddy 20 years to obtain, relationships, etc... The list goes on. Most do not know what they are doing and with just enough info, wrong info, or lack of it, can be a danger to themselves.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Planet Vegeta
    If you do your homework and understand all posible risks and your 18-20. you will probably not get flamed. Its the morons that jump into it thinking that is magic muscle juice and there will be no consequences that get flamed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    I knew about 4 kids when I was in high school (mid 80's) when you could get a vet, or a coop feed place to get roids. Human grade was pretty easy also, this was just before things started cracking down. Only one knew what he was doing just by the look of him. The other 3 were fat and had bitch tits, but d@mn were they strong. One actually took some powerlifting championships at 17 years of age. But using the above model 75% fvcked themselves up and it made me want to wait as they were trying to get me to do a cycle with them. I wish I would have had the info I had now and around 24-25 is when natural levels start declining so that is when I would have started.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I think anyone 18-20 should not be taking aas. Its true that some teen bodybuilders look great but its mostly due to their usage of drugs. Believe me, I know a few!! lol (guys that compete that is). I would rather build one kick azz physique naturally then hit up gear later on down the road and be a cream of the crop kind of guy. But like meso said, people want it quick now a days without the hard work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Served
    people want it quick now a days without the hard work.

    Totally not true at all. Sure, everyone wants it quick. I worked my ass off since i was 17. Only two months before my 21st did i start juicing, and im 6 weeks in now.

    I can honestly tell you that its the best thing ive ever done. Do i know my stuff about it? Yes, thanks to my own research, and the people on this board. Do i have a proper diet? Absolutely. Did i totally give up drinking for this? Yes.

    My lifestyle totally changed 6 months before i took the plunge, so i could get into the routine of living around lifting.

    Perhaps im one of the few 'exceptions' you talk about, but just dont go single everyone out in that age catagory.
    I will agree in that 80% of the people who i know who juiced in the 18-20 range are idiots, blew up, lost it all, and had health problems.

    Only problem i have is wiping the $hit eating grin off my face when i look in the mirror now

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I'm 19 so I guess I can be considered one of the kids ur talking about. I started my research when I was 14 juice has allways interested me. I do know I should have waited 2 more yrs but just couldnt hold off. I feel good that I did it im in week 4 of 8 in a prop only @ 350mg with nlova on hand and clomid for PCT. Im 5' 9" and 195 not bad for a young guy I just want to end up over 200.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    Well if your getting ripped and JJJAACCCKKKKEDDD for spring break then it's ok. Winny baby!!!!!!

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