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Thread: underdosed Sus250

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    United Kingdom

    underdosed Sus250

    has anyone every come accross under-dosed sus250 by Organon.

    iv been using it for about 8 weeks now and i have hardly seen any growth, my strength is through the roof so i know its not fake stuff.

    the only numbers i can see on the box is

    ML 000067
    ML 000001
    P.R No 002446

    any advice bro's ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    r u eating right, if your strenth is through the roof you should be growing. how much r u taking?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    If you have strength gains but no size gains that means your gear is real and your diet blows.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    how many calories are you eating every day?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    United Kingdom
    im currently taking 500ml/w (divided into 4 shots)

    the main section of my diet consists of 2 cans tuna per day, 3 glasses of protein shake a day and when i can i eat a baked potateo with a side helping of low fat grated cheese and 1 can of tuna .

    is this not enough ? should i increase anything. im thinking of boiling some eggs and removing the yoke and eating the white bit with my tuna and baked potateo

    any advice bro's

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by nobbythedonkey

    the main section of my diet consists of 2 cans tuna per day, 3 glasses of protein shake a day and when i can i eat a baked potateo with a side helping of low fat grated cheese and 1 can of tuna .

    Holy ****. I've only been up for about 6 hours today and I've already eaten more than that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    your eating like a bird no wonder your not the thread about when not to take AAS

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    ok first off, you're not taking 500mL/week... you're taking 500mg per week. Big difference.

    Second, your diet isnt $HIT!!!! That looks like less calories than a cutting diet. You have to eat to grow.

    Everyone has a certain calorie amount that is their maintenance level. If they go above it they gain weight, if they go below it they lose weight. This rule applies to hardgainers as well. The kind of weight (muscle or fat) is dependant on the macronutreint breakdown of the foods they eat (Protein, fats, carbs.) You obviously are not eating over your maintenance level of calories if you cannot gain weight. Simple biology. To find out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight, go to

    Eat more. Keep track of how many grams of protein/fat/carbs you eat at what times every day. If you don't know how many grams of each are in a certain kind of food, check out they have a huge database of food types. Then you can calculate your total daily caloric intake.

    1g protein = 4 calories
    1g carbs = 4 calories
    1g fat = 9 calories

    Also post up your training regimen. Exercises, sets, reps, days, everything. Do you do squats and deadlifts? These 2 exercises are the best for total body growth and releasing the most natural GH and testosterone.

    Last, but certainly not least, if your diet and training is lacking right now, steroids aren't going to $HIT for you except shrink your nuts. Anabolic steroids grow muscle by increasing protein synthesis so your body can make muscle tissue faster. If the protein (and other calories) aren't there to begin with, where is the muscle going to come from? Magic? You can't build a house without bricks.

    Thank you, come again.
    Last edited by AandF6969; 02-23-2005 at 06:22 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    are they amps or redijects?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    ok first off, you're not taking 500mL/week... you're taking 500mg per week. Big difference.
    sorry i ment 500mg not ML. ill start upping my eating from tomorrow, ill eat ALOT more of everything i have described.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by ceasar250
    are they amps or redijects?
    they are amps

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Never heard anything bad about organon amps...redis have been known to be underdosed every now and then.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    United Kingdom
    going by what people have said i read up and it looks like i am defo not eating enough. im gonna go shopping tomorrow and buy a **** load of good foods and split them into meals.

    im looking at:

    meal 1: 1x protein shake & oats with low fat milk
    meal 2: 1x can of tuna with low fat salad cream & 1x protein shake
    meal 3: 3 slices of white bread with ham & 1x green apple
    meal 4: 1x can of tuna with low fat salad cream & baked potateo with cheese
    meal 5: 4x boiled eggs (without yoke)
    meal 6: 5x can of tuna with low fat salad cream and 1x protein shake

    im hoping this should be ok

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by nobbythedonkey
    going by what people have said i read up and it looks like i am defo not eating enough. im gonna go shopping tomorrow and buy a **** load of good foods and split them into meals.

    im looking at:

    meal 1: 1x protein shake & oats with low fat milk
    meal 2: 1x can of tuna with low fat salad cream & 1x protein shake
    meal 3: 3 slices of white bread with ham & 1x green apple
    meal 4: 1x can of tuna with low fat salad cream & baked potateo with cheese
    meal 5: 4x boiled eggs (without yoke)
    meal 6: 5x can of tuna with low fat salad cream and 1x protein shake

    im hoping this should be ok
    You need carbs and fat.. Eat more food, just not only sick amounts of tuna...5 cans in one meal?? I bet you won't do that for long..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    1. Ditch the white bread and get whole wheat
    2. Eat red meat at least once a day
    3. Eat chicken 1-2 times a day

    You need more good sources of protein, and less tuna.

    To give you an idea, so far today I've eaten:

    3 pork chops
    36 oz. of milk
    12 whole eggs
    2 pieces of whole wheat bread
    3 tablespoons of butter
    3 oz. of cheese
    3 chicken breasts
    1 cup of boiled potatos

    That's about 4k calories and about 340-350 grams of protein, and I still have 2-3 meals left to eat today.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Down South-west
    NTD - Bro your gear is fine, you diet needs work. Read the bulking stickie:

    No matter how much gear you take you CAN NOT GROW without learning everything possible about nutrition.

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