Depends what your after pal? You wanna bulk, cut or??
Depends what your after pal? You wanna bulk, cut or??
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Last edited by Big; 06-01-2008 at 10:39 AM. Reason: 15 year old member
What about AAS use at age 40 and beyond? Is that advisable?
I am currently 44 yrs old...
Last edited by B4ckfire479; 07-06-2008 at 09:39 PM.
18 lol you can put 25 or 30 pounds on naturally by the time you 22 if your training and diet is spot on.....i did it and hell i surely didnt have the best diet ...wait until your at least 21 imo
Yea im 18 right now and i dont want to start till im at least 19..Im a guy and dont want to take any chances of growing brest. Thanx for the help lol! right now im taking creatine, nitrix oxide, and gaining protien powder and work out 6 days a week using the work out plan one of the trainers at the gym gave me.. and gained alot of wieght in the last three months around 20 pounds(dont know if it was all lean muscel mass lol!) is that my genetic potential?
I made it like 4 lines down before the guy confused cortisol with cortisone. game over. guys a moron, just like the rest of the op-eds I read here.
Doesn't make this article bad because of a typo.
How many typos have you had jiggyman
So im 18 and i'll be 19 in April, would it be bad if i started taking them now?? Im 6 ft 2 and 170, ive been working out for about a couple years and right now im working out about 5 days a week and eating everything to put on weight. If I started now it would be d bol and test.
Read this bro:
Turned 26 last month...I think it is time I took this supplementing to the next level. Good Post. Made me feel a little more comfortable with this.
i think this post was great. i personaly am 20 years old! ive worked out off and on for about a year and a half. about 4 and half months ago i weighed 123 pounds... needless to say im not a big guy. so i hit the gym hard and have been studying sites like this and getting as much input as possible. now i weigh 147 in 4 months! with only about 6 percent body fat... my problem is that i still feel small... and im plateauing! i just am not sure what to or what not to do.
Just turned 21 >![]()
To me this is just a confusing thread, especially for the young ones.
To the OP I want to say, I would not rely on what you have reported at first.
Personal data age is not equal to biological age and in order to use AAS you MUST know the second one.
The biological age appears in the evaluation of the mental age, hormonal, immune and above all, to those factors either genetic and acquired by our style of life, which allow our cells to combat the action of free radicals and continue manufacturing energy.
The current science knowledge regarding this topic leads us to know that the growing process of a human being ends when his/her biological age is 25. The age where the brain stops to develop.
Science: An orderly arrangement of what at the moment seem to be facts.
For those interested to know their biological age, and in some cases to get positively or badly surprised by the results:
1. D-ROMs Test and OXI-Adsorbent Test
3. ALCAT Test
4. DISBIOSI test
5. 8-OH 2DG
8. Vitamin A and E Measuring
Last edited by BJJ; 09-11-2009 at 04:20 PM.
thanks, very good artice
Great post mate! very helpful! Thanks!
You need to find a private lab with the necessary equipments.
It will cost you a lot and the result is still approximate since the modern science does not have a complete knowledge about it.
If you are interested read here, post n.2:
I've got a friend that's 21 and he's completely set on doing AAS. I've tried telling him to wait till hes 25 but hes dead set on it. The other day he told me he could get some mdrol and was gonna do 8 weeks of it by itself (he doesn't even know what pct is)!!!
He has been working out hard for the last 4-5 years and his diet is pretty spot on. Id guess that hes probably around 8% BF as well. What kind of advice would you guys give to someone who wont listen to the "wait a few years" line?
im just curious, what is the effect of having too much protein? does it turn into fat, im scared to take much protein so each time i only have a very little, say 15g of protein through shakes. I dont want to over do the protein and get a fat stomach.
jeez this thread is for noobs, and I am one. I was just looking for some answers...
Dude stick to a no roid diet until your past your mid twenties. Take a good protein supplement, a good Multi-V and a mineral. If you have creatine, use that too. Most of the members here are pretty helpful, just eat clean. No man made carbs I found is the best way to lose weight. Most likely you are not completely though puberty and your growth may or may not continue, but do not screw it up taking roids right away. Most members here advise you to wait till at least 23. It's difficult I know, but trust me, the wait (lol weight) is worth it!
How old are you? May I assume your here because of you are looking to take roids or are you just trying to find more "professional" advice?
Last edited by chouinardragon; 03-26-2010 at 07:44 PM.
yeah im 21, im not looking to take roids, i was just reading about the protein intake at the start of this thread. is it true you should have roughly the same amount in grams of protein equal to your weight? i just dont wanna over do the protein because i dont know what kinds of effects it has. oh and i train 5 days a week, 1 muscle a day 4-5 sets per muscle.
i know this is the wrong thread of beginner workouts, but i just wanted clarification on the protein intake part which is stated in the first post.
Okay. Your kinda over thinking this process. Slow down---
You take what supplements? How many meals and how far apart are they spaced? What are your goals? I myself eat 6-8 small meals per day, drink a protein drink before training and another after and I take a Multi-V and mineral in the morning. I do not know what your goals are nor do i see them, I browsed the posts quickly though. I take 84 grams of protein powder on my heavy workouts and a smaller amount on my light days. Make sure you eat clean. I eat 3-4 eggs in the morning, and a bowl of oatmeal, than a snack 3 hours later and then have lunch -- three hours later I eat another snack and 3 hours later dinner and a snack 3 hours before bed. If It's a heavy carb day it looks more like this..
Monday - Fats, carbs proteins (Breakfast) carbs and pro (Snack) Fats, pro (lunch) Banana, and protein shake heavy - Heavy workout day
Tuesday " " Fats and pro " " " lite shake - Not training
Wednesday - Repeat Monday due to heavy workout day
Thursday - Repeat Monday due to heavy workout day
Friday - Carbs and protein (breakfast) lite carb and protein (snack) fats and protein (lunch) protein and carbs (snack) - No training
Saturday - Same as Monday - Heavy workout day
Sunday Same as Tuesday - Not an intense workout but moderate training
Try coffee or caffeine in the morning of a heavy workout day and 1/2 hour before the actual workout it works!
I add coffee to my protein shakes for an edge.
Last edited by chouinardragon; 03-26-2010 at 08:16 PM.
I'm 18 (turning 19 in less than a month) I'm 209 (was 170 at beggining) lbs 6"3 and have been working out 1 year, training 6times/week with a good diet.I also took some creatine by this time.I'm thinking about getting a dbol/test cycle, but wondering if i should wait 1 more year or continue with creatine. Suggestions anyone ?
This is a great thread.
What I really cannot understand is why all the 18/19/20 year old's are asking other board members whether it is okay to start. This in itself in confirmation enough that you are NOT ready to start using steroids. If you need to ask others to confirm your thoughts you need to go away and seriously think about the decision with all the information available to you.
Whilst there are some very smart experienced guys on here, none of them are going to make that decision for you and none of them would ever want to make that decision for you, those who over think and ask for confirmation are always the one that either 1. Have a poor cycle or 2. Get nasty sides or 3. Kill themselves with worry whilst on cycle that it was the wrong thing to do that they get NO GAINS.
I am 19 myself, nearly 20, I have been thinking long and hard when to start, reading many books and asking many questions, but I have not once asked someone if it is okay to start at my age because it is my choice. If you are unsure, really focus on what you want out of training and what you think steroids will do to help you achieve your goals, and could you achieve those goals naturally with a rethink.
This is a good example, it is clear you are progressing well with a 30lb increase this year, but in the end the fact you have been eating well for a year and training well for a year does not really mean much in terms of making a decision, you have to decide or yourself based on all the information that is available to you. If you choose to use, be clear of your goals and be very clear of side effects, don't be secretive and don't kid yourself, make realistic goals. However I would say stay off, because I do not think you know yourself what you want to do, and what you think the short term and long term outcomes are going to be.
Last edited by Wevans2303; 04-23-2010 at 04:41 PM.
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