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Thread: 3rd cycle help

  1. #1
    Lcpl_Devildog is offline New Member
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    3rd cycle help

    Sup, here is my proposed 3rd cycle:
    wks 1-12 test prop 75mgs/ed
    wks 1-10 eq 400mgs/wk
    novla 20 mgs/day
    Do you think i need to run HCG in the middle or end of cycle?
    Do you think the eq can or should be replaced with something else?
    This is my 3rd cyle. I am 22 yrs old, 6', 215 bf 12%

  2. #2
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    EQ needs to be run longer than 10 weeks IMO, i'd go 13 weeks with the eq, and then 16 weeks with the prop, that we you can start pct three days after your last shot of eq.

    HCG isn't needed IMO and you could always replace the eq with 8-10 weeks of tren or 10 weeks of deca .

  3. #3
    cut260's Avatar
    cut260 is offline Associate Member
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    75mg prop every day? Well better than nothing but thats a pretty "low side" cycle. Is there a particular reason for that? What are your goals. EQ is awesome and the amount of that looks good, but I am just wondering why your test levels are so low and also your nolva usage is not needed at that level unless you notice any symptoms. Save it for "if needed" and post cycle therapy .

    by the way, I was in the Corps too, 2d MarDiv, 2d Recon Good Luck Devil Dog

  4. #4
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    That's still 525 mg of prop a week, which isn't LOW, but rather conservative. I see nothing wrong with that if he is trying to cut or just do a conservative bulker (this is coming from someonw who stays on year round and uses more gear than anyone on this board). Although I used to be in favor of only using anti-e's "if needed", I still find 10mg of nolva ED helps keep my lipid panels on the favorable side and cuts my water a bit, helping my blood pressure.

    Quote Originally Posted by cut260
    75mg prop every day? Well better than nothing but thats a pretty "low side" cycle. Is there a particular reason for that? What are your goals. EQ is awesome and the amount of that looks good, but I am just wondering why your test levels are so low and also your nolva usage is not needed at that level unless you notice any symptoms. Save it for "if needed" and post cycle therapy .

    by the way, I was in the Corps too, 2d MarDiv, 2d Recon Good Luck Devil Dog

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