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Thread: Deca,eq,prop winny

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Deca,eq,prop winny

    thinkin of dion a 12 week deca eq,winny cycle

    1-12 200mg eq every 4days
    1-8 160mg of deca every 4 days
    9-14 30mg winny ed
    1-14 prop 100mg every 3d

    the deca is just to keep the joint pain down, only 8 weeks because I want the bloat to go away by week 12.
    winny up to week 14 because I want to extend the cycle a bit to stay shredded though all of the summer months.
    I really dont think I need test, Ive ran a couple of cycles already without test and had awsome gains and kept all too. But I will have the prop on hand incase my dick goes limp, but I dont think it will.

    what do ya think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    you want to inject prop every day or every other day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    Quote Originally Posted by shredzs
    thinkin of dion a 12 week deca eq,winny cycle

    1-12 200mg eq every 4days
    1-8 160mg of deca every 4 days
    9-14 30mg winny ed
    1-14 prop 100mg every 3d
    what do ya think
    I think: eq is low, might wanna look at 400mg/week and I think it needs to be shot more ofter. I dont know forsure as I have never used it.
    if the deca is just to lube I think it is ok.
    30mg winny is low. try 50mg/day
    100mg prop every 3rd day is not good. it needs to be shot every day.
    try 75mg/day.
    if this is a first cycle I would stick to test only.
    I think a little more research would be in order before starting.
    what do you have in mind for anti e and pct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    this is not my first cycle
    lots of experiance with test free cycles, dick stayed harder than ever.

    novadex, tribulus, b6, clen and clomid for pct

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Have you run any past cycles with test? If so, why did you not use it and why do you not want to use it? Just curious.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    not for nothing if you have joint pain and wont to run deca for it why are you going to use winny. you should replace the winny with var at the end of the cycle and chang you diet. you also will need to nolv and b-6 and what do you have for pct

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Tried test 1 time before,(test and deca) sides were terrible, cost of nolva to keep nipples down was higher thn the cost of test!
    lost all gains too
    also get excellent gains without test, also keep all gains

    my Hpta does not drop when on cycle
    if is does, its not much, dick stays solid, even on a 7 week tren/winy cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Quote Originally Posted by shredzs
    Tried test 1 time before,(test and deca) sides were terrible, cost of nolva to keep nipples down was higher thn the cost of test!
    lost all gains too
    also get excellent gains without test, also keep all gains

    my Hpta does not drop when on cycle
    if is does, its not much, dick stays solid, even on a 7 week tren/winy cycle
    Very unique experirence. Thanks for sharing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    over the hills & far away
    Quote Originally Posted by shredzs
    Tried test 1 time before,(test and deca) sides were terrible, cost of nolva to keep nipples down was higher thn the cost of test!
    lost all gains too
    also get excellent gains without test, also keep all gains

    my Hpta does not drop when on cycle
    if is does, its not much, dick stays solid, even on a 7 week tren/winy cycle
    Wow! well i wouldn't fix what's not broke then....

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