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Thread: im kinda convused plz help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    im kinda convused plz help

    hey guys , im currently on a cycle week 5

    1-4 drol 75mg ed (done)
    1-12 cyp 600 mg ew
    6-12 var 80 mg ed ( the caps are ug and come as 80 mg caps)
    1-10 letro .25 mg ed

    3 weeks after last shot of cyp regular pct starts

    now the thing is , for some reason my viales musta been under filled or my miscalculations
    i can only make 8 weeks . so the option now is as following

    1-8 cyp 600 mg ew
    9-14 prop 100 mg ed or 200 mg eod
    6-14 var 80 mg ed
    1-14 letro .25 mg ed

    3 days after last prop shot ill start standard pct
    and would be okay to run 30 -40 mg var in pct along with creatine and tribs

    this in bold is something id like better but i need to get ir verified plz

    from wat i understand its easyer to go into pct comin off prop then cyp due to the half lives i reallydont mind jabbin myself ed or eod

    also i have some hcg , im convused where in the cycle i should use it
    i have read you should take it in ur pct and i have read that u should take it during the cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I wouldnt run var during pct. If you do, take the whole dose first thing in the morning, so at night most of it will be out of your system, Var does slightly hinder your HPTA.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    thanks , wat are ur thoughts on the hcg and the prop / enth situation ,???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Gym
    Yeah looks fine to me bro prop is better for cutting back bloat at the end of a cycle anyway.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    so the prop is a go the way is set up ? and i shouldnt run the var at a low dose in pct right, now could some one plz explain the hcg part plz thanks allot for the replies chefj

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    ChefJ is absolutely correct, prop is ideal for the ending stages of the cycle, and you are one of the first people who is thinking half lives and thats the right way to think. You are thinking smarter than most people do. I also agree not running the var PC. Also any Test E injections should be terminated 4 weeks to going off cycle if using 1gram or less. If you are using more you have to look at the half life and see what amounts will be in your system at the end of the cycle and work backwards.

    Now onto HCG. This is where people usually screw up big time. Remember HCG is extremely anabolic and can be counter productive PC. It has the same basic effect as a Sust does so keep that in mind. The best way to use HCG is to shoot 5000 units per month ON CYCLE. WHY because it will directly stimulate the testicles and address testicular atrophy. Now when going off cycle you want to "nail the nads" with an up front 5000 unit hit and then go down by 1/4ths every 3 days until you finish up with 1000 units. then stop all HCG usage and continue on with Nolva/Clomid/Arimidex etc. Remember Ephidrene and Clen also help with PCR not to mention keeping your energy levels up for training etc. so include those PC.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    thanks cut260 , im learning slowly , its justso hard to learn when everyone has their own opinion , i can c how newbys can have huge proplems with questions cuase everyone says something remotely right but slightly diff from eachother = convused
    so how soon should i start my prop shots after last shot of CYP

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    humpty bumbpty . sorry im bored

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