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Thread: guys i need your help girls don't know

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    guys i need your help girls don't know

    Hi i am Kashmir!! I need help!! I am doing my first show in two weeks and i have been told that i should stop taking my anavar now and just stay on the clen. i was taking 10mgs of british dragons since Oct. and 4 weeks into my clen of 120mcgs. I look great 5'3" 106 vascular and muscular. my concern is that i do not know what to expect coming of the var. when you guys come of roids you know that your natural testosterone kicks in....well what happens to me?? Am i going to get to soft before my show? My menstral cycles have been gone since Oct. will i start producing more estrogen and beging to hold too much water. I could use the softness a little but i don't want to look bloated. HELP HELP HELP

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I wish I new answer for sure the. From what I have read when you stop the var you muscles will start to soften a little. But on the other hand you will loose some of the water that you are retaining form not have your menstrual. I do know that some female will run the var up to 1 week before the show. When you come off it you will have to make sure you hold a strict diet to help keep the muscles hardness and sharp look. Also when you stop the var you might start to brake out with acne from the Harmon change. I hop this will help you some.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    thank you for the input...i was considering running it for one more week,and i did not even take into consideration the acne from the hormonal change,this would be my luck for sure. i know that var does not stay in your system long so i think that running it for one more week would probably be a good the time the hormones change my show should be over...any more input you guys could come up with would be greatly appreciated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    i think you will be ok just make sure you keep the diet in check.

    Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Thumbs up


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