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Thread: Should I split up my Sustanon and deca?

  1. #1

    Should I split up my Sustanon and deca?

    I will be taking 250mg of Sust a week and 300-400 mg of Deca a week for the next 7 weeks. Should I split each of those doses in half and do them twice a week instead of the once a week that I was planning? I'm 5'9" 150 pounds.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Peakcondition
    I will be taking 250mg of Sust a week and 300-400 mg of Deca a week for the next 7 weeks. Should I split each of those doses in half and do them twice a week instead of the once a week that I was planning? I'm 5'9" 150 pounds.
    is this your first cycle? If so you should have went with a single ester test. Sus needs to be injected eod for best results but only shooting 250mg/wk. you would probably not do any better than going twice/wk.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    the sus is a waste IMO if you are just shooting once a week. The cycle is too short. at 7 week the deca is just kicking in at week4 or 5. the sus you wont really feel foir 3 weeks.
    the prop ester is only active for 1-2 days
    the pheynly-prop ester is good for about 3 days
    the test isocaproate is good for a bout 3 days also
    the deconate ester is the daddy of them all and you are already taking a deconate ester. So you're not going to get noting from the test-deconate ester for 4 weeks.

    you have some research to do and this cycle is not very well thought out. Where are the SERMS or what measures are you taking to prevent gyno if it occurs? At this point you plasma levels are looking like an EKG meter.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    sell the sus and just get some test E or CYP.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    if you are going to do only 7 weeks you better off just getting some tren and some test prop and shooting ED.

  6. #6
    I got this first beginner cycle from sworld and it a lot of you can imagine...everyone agrees and disagrees with each other. I hear good things about sust then bad things about cyp. Who to trust...what do you do until you try it? So I went for a Sust dbol deca cycle for 8 weeks. Nolvadex and Clomyd at the end. I'm certainly not a huge body builder, just wanted to get a little size for summer.

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