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Thread: help with dbol/test/deca cycle

  1. #1

    help with dbol/test/deca cycle

    Was hoping for suggestions from the experienced. Was planning to stack these three but if not a good idea tell me otherwise. I have run several cycles and am currently 5' 9" at 190lb. and 7% BF. My current thought are like this.

    Week 1-5 DBOL 25-35mg tapering up
    week 1-6 Deca 300-500mg tapering up
    week 5-10 Test E 500-800 mg tapering up

    Followed by PCT...The only reason I am considering tapering up on these is because it always seems like in the past my body responds to the dosage within probably 2 weeks or so and the only way to really grow a lot furthur is to eat a little more or up the dosage a little bit. And Yes I do eat more during a cycle , as a matter of fact I already eat about 4000-5000 calories a day, mostly clean...But because of my meatbolism and the need for thyroid meds my bodu is like a furnace..hence the 7% BF. Thanks for any input.

  2. #2
    this is proabably my favorite combo for mass nad strength. but i dotn really agree with your dosage and time periods. 5 weeks on dbol seems like alot to me but i react really well to dbol. i can gain like 30 pounds on dbol alone in 4 weeks and only loose around 7-9 pounds or water when i get off. my suggestion with my experience wiht this cycleis:

    wk 1-4: dbol 20-30mg
    wk 1-10: test 400mg ew
    wk 1-10: deca 400mg ew
    unless you have done more than around 10 cycles i dont reccomend tapering up the dosage. its just not necessary. or give more time between your cycles so your body can get to normal and then again you dont need to taper up. well thats my 2 cents. take it or leave it. good luck bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by whitehulk
    i can gain like 30 pounds on dbol alone in 4 weeks and only loose around 7-9 pounds or water when i get off.
    in less than 1 month you can gain 30 lbs on just dbol only, yet keep over 20+ lbs?!?!!?! Very hard to believe...even if it was true, it only happened to you once.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I would not go with your "tapering up" idea, but that is all up to you. I have found going with a stanard dose throught my cycles has worked much better than the tappering method. Since you have several cycles under your belt I would run 750mg or 1 gram of tes per week for 12 weeks, I also like to front load my testosterone. I would run the deca at 400mg per week for 12 weeks. I would take dbol every 4 hours and run it at a min of 30mg ed, you will be fine running your dbol for 4-6 weeks. I would start your PCT 2 weeks after your last testosterone shoot. Since your going for mass/strength cycle you may want to add some tren? I have done a very similar run with great results. Good luck bro.
    Last edited by CARNIVORE; 02-28-2005 at 10:53 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Buffalo, NY
    Anyone want to send me a private message if they know how to get products

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by buffalobruiser
    Anyone want to send me a private message if they know how to get products
    You are breaking the rules
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    Last edited by CARNIVORE; 02-28-2005 at 03:04 PM.

  7. #7
    well mr wolfy, your right it has only happened once but i have only doen it once. and it is very easy to gain that much. i think ppl are jelious of other ppl sometimes cause the ppl who dont take care of themselves and party alot and drink alot while on roids dont get halph the results they would get if they could jsut take proper care of themselves while on AS. im at school and have afree gym open 7 days a week and im ive been working out for about 8 years, so i know what im doing. all i can say to everyone who always calls bs on ppls gains is diet and sleep and lifestyle, thats ll there is to it. as far as the test at 1gram per week. i think that is outragous!!! unless you have done like 20 cycles and never have very lil off time then that is way unnecessary. i highest i have run test is at 800mg every 8 days and at the end i wish i hadnt. but thats just my personal experiences. good luck on your cycle bro.

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