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Thread: Wan Use But

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Wan Use But

    hI i HAVE USED (ROIDS) as we in the uk call them, Before but they made me very aggressive short tempered and made me want to beat my wife up

    I was a big fan of sust, The stuff made me look huge. I have been steroid free for over 12mounths now and training three to four times a week. But Ive lost size shape and strenght.

    My dilema is this, I would like to use dbol 10mg ed along with 10mg tribulus. I know tribulus is not and steroid and is mainly a post cycle aid but with the dbol dosag so low. Thought it might have a good effect on my test levels.

    Is there any point running such a mild cycle. My body is depressing me I have never been sculptured as I love food but when I was on roids the size and shape allowed me to eat as I pleased. I looked big andfit now I look bulky and tubby.

    my main question is will the dbol increase the size of my shoulders and arms without to much puffyness and will the low dose effect my temper. Also if such a course could have positive benifits for me would I be able to cut on this course or would that be stupid.

    Thankyou all that took the time to read my post and if it made no sense Im sorry feeling a little low and maybe that carries into the post
    thanks john

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    Are you by chance training for the special olympics?

    P.S. - Do not use steroids, look what happened to Timmy when he took them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    ha ha you do jokes

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    why did u become agressive? did u take mega dosages of sust or something?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    armpit of the country(NJ)
    not that i am at all a beleiver in "roidrage" but if you were coming close to beating your wife on a prior cycle mabey as just isnt for you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    not really mega doses 100mg per week.

    Yep you might be right bull ram. Maybe I should just leave roids alone, But maybe it wasnt the roids, No it was my wife is very lets say argumentative and viscious, But the only time I cant turn the other cheek or walk away is when im on sust.

    What about the 10mg of dbol with the sust. Remember reading about some one who use to take it ed as a tonic

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Los Angeles
    100 mg of sust a week put you into roid rage?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sorry guys, 1000mg.

    The main reason Im considering juicing again is that I get hold of them for my freinds now they all look massive and im just average its hard. And I thought maybe just a tiny bit of help might be ok

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by big tu
    Sorry guys, 1000mg.
    Quote Originally Posted by big tu
    not really mega doses 100mg per week.
    I call BS. If you had made a mistake then the second quote should read "not really mega doses 1000 mg per week"

    That is on the higher end of dosing and you wouldn't call 1000 mg "not really big doses". I really think you meant 100 mg. Oh well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    roid rage is a myth. Either youre an a-hole or not, dont blame gear. You definitely sound like you shouldnt be using it either. If you so disappointed with your body, either get in the gym and do something about it, which would also require not to eat everything in sight or go to shrink..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Thanks for the help Fellas

    I wasnt bull ****ting, 1000mg is not low dose but not as high as a pro would take.

    I train 6 days a week including swimming allmost.
    everday boxing, circiut training, 1 hour free weights x 3sessions a wk, Badminton, squash and play with my 3 soon to be 4 kids.

    Everybody feels low somtimes. Most people bodybuild because at some point they were unhappy with there body. Even when one reaches a certain goal or physique most body builders will try and strive to be bigger and better.

    That is the idea. Im sorry you chose not to take that into account long horn, You smuck.

    Maybe you should spend less time in the gym and more time learning manners and empathy.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Colorado & California
    How about you learn proper board etiquette. Longhorn is a known and respected member of this board. You're not. Dont talk to members that way. Sustanon made you aggressive because you expected it too, and probably because youre an aggresive jackass when you're not on steroids. Its people like you who are an embarrassment to the community and what give steroids a bad name.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Im callin the bs too, he says he does a gram of test a week then wants to take 10mg dbol+tribulus ????????? Or was that 100mg of dbol a day lmao

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Respected for telling a person who admittedly has issues with their weight," to get in the gym and stop eating everything in site".

    I started by asking if 10mg ed would give any gains or possitive influence. But to be honest I dont need it. Just a little niggle every noe and then in the back of my head to get back on the juice.

    I didnt get one positve response to the original question, maily my own fault for posting the way I did.

    If I upset any one you probably desevred it, Just because I dont post often doesnt mean im not a valid member and just becaus you post everyday doesnt mean you are.

    If anyone out there doesnt think Im a totall loss and has a theory on the 10mg ed please post, Just to restore balance to my tired head

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Listen guys belive me. Gte mad with me dont get mad with me insult me call me fat. But I aint lying. I lost controll and have had to stop using.

    I ran 1000mg sust a wk. x 8wk proviron and nolv ed
    then 10 tabs oxandralone + proviron ed
    then hcg x 3 jabs
    then pro male for 4 wk

    since that I have been training natural.

    I loved the strenth and size and feeling of well being from sust. But when your gonna lose your family unless you stop, you stop.

    I know 10mg ed is a big step down and I dont think ill bother because I think i have a problem with roids and if I took 10mg dbol ed would probably get frustrated qith the results and get the sust out.

    Is it worht it.

    yes and no

    was it the sust that made me angry. No, But in the last 12 mounth I havent hit any body whereas 18 mounth ago I had 4 street fights a bar fight and hit my gf who at the time was pregnant with my daughter who I adore.

    I would like to get back my previous size but not at the cost of loosing my family hence the low dose dbol question.

    So does any body have any input on 10mg ed

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    right behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by big tu
    training three to four times a week.
    Quote Originally Posted by big tu
    I train 6 days a week including swimming allmost.
    everday boxing, circiut training, 1 hour free weights x 3sessions a wk, Badminton, squash
    i'm callin BS too. stick to one lie. this is added to the dosage BS too

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    right behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by wilthepill123
    How about you learn proper board etiquette. Longhorn is a known and respected member of this board. You're not. Dont talk to members that way. Sustanon made you aggressive because you expected it too, and probably because youre an aggresive jackass when you're not on steroids. Its people like you who are an embarrassment to the community and what give steroids a bad name.
    ditto. i've learned a lot from longhorns advice and threads

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by big tu
    I wasnt bull ****ting, 1000mg is not low dose but not as high as a pro would take.

    Everybody feels low somtimes. Most people bodybuild because at some point they were unhappy with there body. Even when one reaches a certain goal or physique most body builders will try and strive to be bigger and better.

    That is the idea. Im sorry you chose not to take that into account long horn, You smuck.

    Maybe you should spend less time in the gym and more time learning manners and empathy.
    Really hoss? Its sounds to me like you have an addictive personality, thus your problem with gear. Thats why I said you shouldnt be using it. Im not gonna rip you a new ass, b/c I have manners. Like I said gear doesnt make you an a-hole, either you are or you arent. Beating up people and your pregnant girlfriend is a sign you shouldnt be on roids. You either need to control your temper or stay off them. Gear can make you feel more confident, etc but its still no reason to punch someone b/c you think you are bigger and stronger than them. People like you are the reasons their is such a bad spin on steroids right now. Enough of that, you asked a question. 10 mg of dbol probably wont do anything for you. I'd avoid it all together b/c like you said you wouldnt be getting results the next thing you'd be upping the dose, getting out the sust and beating up people again. At least you realize your family is more important. Besides if they really love you, they wont care what you look like or how big your muscles are. And thats how we do it in Texas hoss!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by RUballs0514
    ditto. i've learned a lot from longhorns advice and threads

    thanks fellas, I appreciate it!!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    first of all - ALL of you get off your high horse - the first post of his was part jibberish but the rest seem clear enough - now either provide some advice or leave this thread to those who will

    10mgs of dbol is not likely to have much of an effect one way or another - you would be better off eating 100 grams more ED of protien - I dont know your diet but that could be a cause.

    personally, the roids didnt make you get angry with your wife - they made you feel strong and you used them as an emotional crutch to be an ass, at least so I gather

    if you wanted to do a low dose cycle you might try an anavar only cycle for 6-8 weeks to see the results - run 20mgs ED should not shut you down if split up - or you could run 80-100mgs ED and then PCT at the end - not likely to make you feel too agressive either

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Beat me to it Cyc. I expect more from the members here then to jump on somebody for asking a question. I don't think 10mg a day of AAS is a good way to go. The question is can you really take a cycle and maintain control of your temperment. If the answer is no then I suggest you stay away all together. The risk to your marriage is not worth it. You may want to try a lower dose cycle of test at like 400mg a week but you need to be honest and upfront with your wife and look for warning signs that you are losing control.

    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    first of all - ALL of you get off your high horse - the first post of his was part jibberish but the rest seem clear enough - now either provide some advice or leave this thread to those who will

    10mgs of dbol is not likely to have much of an effect one way or another - you would be better off eating 100 grams more ED of protien - I dont know your diet but that could be a cause.

    personally, the roids didnt make you get angry with your wife - they made you feel strong and you used them as an emotional crutch to be an ass, at least so I gather

    if you wanted to do a low dose cycle you might try an anavar only cycle for 6-8 weeks to see the results - run 20mgs ED should not shut you down if split up - or you could run 80-100mgs ED and then PCT at the end - not likely to make you feel too agressive either

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    right behind you
    we weren't jumpin on him for the question. it was just the attitude. sorry if i offended anyone on the forum. wasn't the purpose of my post. maybe got a little carried away.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by RUballs0514
    we weren't jumpin on him for the question. it was just the attitude. sorry if i offended anyone on the forum. wasn't the purpose of my post. maybe got a little carried away.
    ditto, it was his attitude, plus I dont have any respect for people that hit women, let alone pregnant women. I apologize if i offended anybody on the board, but I did answer his question too.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Longhorn my initial question had no attitude or mention of violence toward women or anyone. So the reason you were rude and insulting was because you were being arrogant.

    Its ok I forgive you. We all make mistakes, Im sorry for calling you a smuck.

    As for you having no respect for someone who hits women fairplay. However I do not hit women. I was honest enough to refer to an Isolated insident in my life where a set of emotional circumstances and provocation led me to lash out.

    Men who hit women carry on hitting women deny the situation and bully there partner.

    I did not deny the situation, I did not allow the status quo to continue, I made changes to my lifestyle and bent over backward to save my family.

    Cycleon thanks for the advice. I will not bother with the dbol and will not bother with the anavar. I have used anavar before with little benifit except for the supplier.

    I will now go check out the diet section and maybe look at some new routines .

    I look and feel ok. But with test could be better.

    Again cycleon and rickson thanks

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    no worries man, best of luck with everything

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