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Thread: Quick question for you guys

  1. #1

    Quick question for you guys

    coming off a 16 week cycle my last week consit of 3 shots of prop and winstrol 50mg a day when should i start pct also going to start insulin and growth hormone which im going to run year round my question on this is can i start the growth and insulin now or should i wait till the pct is done thanks bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Gym
    3 days after last prop shot and you can start the hgh and slin whenever.

  3. #3
    anyone else with feedback thanks

  4. #4
    dam no one knows abou tthis

  5. #5
    well guys guess i need to go to another board and ask this question

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Yeah, I guess you should.

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