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Thread: do acne meds counteract with roids???

  1. #1

    do acne meds counteract with roids???

    Hey ive heard that perscription acnes meds can counteract with this true? im currently taking 30 mgs dbol daily,500 mgs test a week and 300 mg deca a week....and im taking a perscription acne med called minocycline at 50 mg a day to keep my back n shoulders clear. Will this counteract with my gear at all? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    i wouldnt say they counteract but its not good to be on much for orals when your on the dbol.. i wouldnt recommend it..dbol is harsh enough on your liver..

  3. #3
    no contradictions just alot of work for the ole liver to be breaking down.

  4. #4
    ok thanks guys

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