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Thread: clomid therapy

  1. #1

    clomid therapy

    i am going to be starting my clomid therapy about a week late. i was taking deca/sus. i was going to take 300mg of clomid the first day and 100mg a day for 10 days then 50mg a day for another 10 days. should i modify this or is there something i can do in the meantime. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'm not sure I understand your question, what can you do in the meantime? The way you are running the clomid looks fine, everyone has their on theory and many people run it differently.


  3. #3
    well how bad is it to take the clomid four weeks after the sus instead of three?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I don't think it would be that bad, ofcourse it would be better to have started the third week but I don't think you will notice too big of a difference.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I think Kullman is right here as long as you DO take it.A week should,nt effect your results too much

    Start taking now bro!!

  6. #6
    The original jason Guest
    Hmm interesting but I think you guys are missing the point of clomid therapy personally i think you can feel when u need to take it about 10 days after you start to feel low and loss of power thats when i start the reason for clomid post cycle is to raise natural test levels to help to keep gains that would be lost without test in the system natural or synthetic that way in my opinion hte answer to the question is ues it will make a big deal and dont think i would wait for three weeks in the first place when you actually start using juice u realise its about the way your body feels everyone is differernt and you will know when u need it. hope this helps


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I really dont understand why you woudl take clomid like this...i think its pointless... why not stick with what works? the old school way.... 50 mg ed for first weeks 100mg eold for the 2nd weeks 50 mg ed for the 3rd weeks..its simple and it works.....then again im sure i will have some ppl disagree with me on this but they are prob the same ppl that take clomid through out there cycle hahaha another pointless thing to do

  8. #8
    Mike Guest
    In my experience BOTH methods work - 300/100/50 and 50/100/50, you're fine bro

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