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Winny burns fat. Here's the short scientific logic:
First off, winstrol is a superior anti-catabolic compound, second only to trenbelone in its ability to prevent protien degradation in the absence of caloric intake.
Secondly, winstrol is pyrogenic, meaning that it increases body temperature.
Increased body temp equals increased calories burned. That, coupled with its singular anti-catabolic properties (and anabolic ones as well, when training and taking in adequate protien), equals fat loss.
Simple as that.
Winstrol does move water, and this is one reason that it can be such a great asset cosmetically. Fat cells shrink when they are not water-logged, and that adds to the already effective adipose disposal mechanism of the liquid white gold. However, this does increase the risk of organ damage, so extra care must be used with regard to liver/kidney/prostate issues.
Also, many people complain of increased tendon damage while on heavy winstrol cycles. Generally this is attributed to the "drying out" effect, but I disagree with that theory. I think that the likely explanation is accelerated collagen synthesis that winstrol causes. This synthesis occurs at nodes within the tendons, and those nodes are not equally spaced theoughout the tendon. Accelerated growth in certain spots can result in "knots" of collagen in the tendon, which would create a stress point more likely to snap or tear under stress, especially the high impact stress often associated with winstrol users (boxers, sprinters, etc.)
Hope this helps.