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Thread: Winstrol & It's Effects?

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Ok here is the deal. All this is going to stop right now, this very second. No one is going to argue and you're all going to conduct yourself like adults or im going to send everyone on a weeks vacation. The steroid forum is going to hell because you people can't just get along. We're all over 18 years of age, correct? Well start acting like it and smarten up.

    Glock-19, dude-man can't ban, but I can. If i see anymore of this from any of you, ever again then you're going to have nothing to look at but porn all week, because you wont be here.

    It ends right at this post, no more arguing. Get it? Excellent.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by fukkenshredded
    Winny burns fat. Here's the short scientific logic:

    First off, winstrol is a superior anti-catabolic compound, second only to trenbelone in its ability to prevent protien degradation in the absence of caloric intake.

    Secondly, winstrol is pyrogenic, meaning that it increases body temperature.

    Increased body temp equals increased calories burned. That, coupled with its singular anti-catabolic properties (and anabolic ones as well, when training and taking in adequate protien), equals fat loss.

    Simple as that.

    Winstrol does move water, and this is one reason that it can be such a great asset cosmetically. Fat cells shrink when they are not water-logged, and that adds to the already effective adipose disposal mechanism of the liquid white gold. However, this does increase the risk of organ damage, so extra care must be used with regard to liver/kidney/prostate issues.

    Also, many people complain of increased tendon damage while on heavy winstrol cycles. Generally this is attributed to the "drying out" effect, but I disagree with that theory. I think that the likely explanation is accelerated collagen synthesis that winstrol causes. This synthesis occurs at nodes within the tendons, and those nodes are not equally spaced theoughout the tendon. Accelerated growth in certain spots can result in "knots" of collagen in the tendon, which would create a stress point more likely to snap or tear under stress, especially the high impact stress often associated with winstrol users (boxers, sprinters, etc.)

    Hope this helps.
    Remember when I told everyone you'd soon be known as the Resident Winstrol Expert....?

    (and Cutting soon as you post some pics...)

  3. #83

    easy said but dosent work in theory

    info and diet are are ok m8 but if you want results sometimes you have to look at alternatives.
    been training for 5 yrs without steriods and not happy with results ahd personal trainer,eaten correctly,rested right etc,etc.
    so why not try an alternative avenue ??

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by timeismoney
    Don't want to start anything, but I am a certified nutritionist and to say they don't know anything is absolutely ridiculous. While I definitely see where you are coming from, they know a lot about the human body and the effect that food has on it. And for the most part, someone like you and me don't necisarily need to talk to them because of what we already know and what are goals are, but for the average person looking to put on some weight or take off some weight, (much like a lot of people who post here looking for a quick fix from aas) they can help them get on the right track. And while they will say that 1 gram per pound of bodyweight is too much, that is what is true for a good number of people, and if you are even slightly educated on lifting at all you will have heard about the importance of protein and how to use maximize your gains through nutrition. Also there is a "new-age" of nutritionists (much like myself) who are educated in the new ways and will give advice about protein like this for someone who has goals that fit.
    Certified nutritionist? Hah......laugh at them. Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. It is the RD (Registered Dietician) that you should invest yout time with. Sorry, I am pursuing my MSNS (Masters in Nutrition Science) right now and couldn't help but comment. I chuckle at everyone who calls themselves a NUTRITIONIST. Try getting a degree from Loma Linda or LBSU for that!

  5. #85
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I wonder if you guys realise how far you've strayed from the topic?

    WHy do y'all always make it about yourselves?

    In here arguing with a POS a bunch of little bitches


  6. #86
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I pre-emptively apologise to any MODS/SMODS that i may offend with my prior post.I'm just tired of the bitching.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    WHat a great g/f doing the research because of genuine concern. What an ignorant b/f for not doing the research himself. LEt us know how it all turns out

  8. #88

    Winny Can U Drink It????

    Guys Help Me Out, Can U Drink Winny I Got Some Kangaroo Winny 50mg Per Cc, Can I Drink This. Tnx

  9. #89
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Miami, Florida
    I did a winstrol cycle only and it worked sweet as hell for me. like glock I couldn't be happier with my results...but I didn't lose weight I pretty much stayed at 182-189 the whole time and still weigh the same. I just got shredded. no side effects on my end..

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by ricktdad
    Guys Help Me Out, Can U Drink Winny I Got Some Kangaroo Winny 50mg Per Cc, Can I Drink This. Tnx
    OMG, I read through all these posts just to get to the guy who asked if you can drink winny!?


    To the girl who started this thread-So do you think roid rage is a myth?

  11. #91
    I ahve read the steroid profile on www.************.com and it says winny depot has a very low chance of causing testicual atrophy, it didnt mention the decread libido at all, but did mention the hair loss and joint problems

  12. #92
    Actually drinking winny is not a "LMFAO" situation because alot of sites actually recommend it seeing that is a 17aa compound and will not be broken down by ur stomach acids, and u will not get the uncomfratble feelign with the injections, so before u critisize do some research

  13. #93
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Do you know the NORWAY?
    Quote Originally Posted by ricktdad
    Guys Help Me Out, Can U Drink Winny I Got Some Kangaroo Winny 50mg Per Cc, Can I Drink This. Tnx
    Yes you can...

  14. #94
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Do you know the NORWAY?
    Quote Originally Posted by DamnYouMSN
    I did a winstrol cycle only and it worked sweet as hell for me. like glock I couldn't be happier with my results...but I didn't lose weight I pretty much stayed at 182-189 the whole time and still weigh the same. I just got shredded. no side effects on my end..
    How did your PCT look like?

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by BUYLONGTERM
    Winstrol Profile:

    Winstrol Depot is clearly defined in bodybuilding: preparation for a competi-tion. Together with a calorie-reduced diet which is rich in protein Winstrol Depot gives the muscles a "continuously harder appear-ance".

    does this mean it works with the fast twitch muscle fiber?

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