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Thread: Cycle Help

  1. #1

    Cycle Help

    hey guys just lookin for some input. i'm gonna be starting my third cycle in about a week. i'm 22, 6'0, 213lbs about 15% bf. i am going to run 100mg prop eod, tren eod or i was told i could run it every third day. i'm just not sure about how much tren i should use. i was also thinking about adding 400mg of test-e per week. then 25mg d-bol ed. i'd appreciate any help. thx.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by optikfrequency
    hey guys just lookin for some input. i'm gonna be starting my third cycle in about a week. i'm 22, 6'0, 213lbs about 15% bf. i am going to run 100mg prop eod, tren eod or i was told i could run it every third day. i'm just not sure about how much tren i should use. i was also thinking about adding 400mg of test-e per week. then 25mg d-bol ed. i'd appreciate any help. thx.
    A lot of people will tell you to run the tren more often than every 3 days. Less sides and problems and more stable doing it every day or eod.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Do not run the test e if you are using prop throughout. If you are set on shooting eod bump prop to 150 and hit the tren at 100 with it. If it is acetate eod would be max ed injects for both of these are better.

  4. #4
    ya i'll be running prop throught the whole cycle so i wasn't sure it test-e would be neccesary or not

  5. #5
    i guess i should have mentioned that i will only be running for about 12 weeks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    its better if you come up wit a cycle and have everyone look at it. idealy ED shots are better b/c blood levels are stable. some do EOD one more thing to not u want to have less tren a week than test and end your tren before your test to help recover faster.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    run the tren every day....75mg ed is a good dose

    100mg prop eod give you test at 350mg a week

    id add in 200mg test E or shoot more prop

    ed tren is no big deal. use a 1" 29g slin wont even feel it

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