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  1. #1
    1badmofo is offline New Member
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    just getting started

    I have recently acquired a 10ml of T200 by Tornel, and a 3cc, 25g 5/8" syringe. This will be my 1st foray into anabolics, and I don't have the slightest on where to get any when this is gone. So my questions is this: Is this needle suitable for use, (if so, where?) how long will the vial last, can I expect to keep any gains, and is it even worth doing if its all I can get my hands on? Thanks in advance...

  2. #2
    fitnessguy's Avatar
    fitnessguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Please do a little research before you go poking yourself.

  3. #3
    fitnessguy's Avatar
    fitnessguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    over the hills & far away
    But, to answer your questions:
    1) The needle is suitable for bis, tris, etc...if you have low body fat
    2) It depends on how much you use as to how long the bottle will last. not enough IMO
    3) keeping gains depends on many things. diet, training, sllep, supplements, AND PCT!!
    4) no it is not worth doing IMO. you need more and you need to read a lot more
    do you know what PCT is?

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would suggest doing a lot more research before you do any injecting. Did I read that right, you have 1 needle? You better get some more b/c you should never ever re-use a needle!!!

  5. #5
    1badmofo is offline New Member
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    sorry 2 say

    Actually, I don't have a clue what IMO or PCT means. I know I need to do the research, thats what brought me here, in the mean time I'm just looking for a little advice.

  6. #6
    pjflynn is offline New Member
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    The best advice that can be given is to NOT start this cycle. You are not ready. Using a needle for more than one injection will most likely cause an infection. Also you don't have enough test for a good cycle.

    PCT is post cycle treatment. This will help keep gains, ward off qyno (bitch tits), and will help your test levels to return to normal.

  7. #7
    TheGreatOne is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1badmofo
    Actually, I don't have a clue what IMO or PCT means. I know I need to do the research, thats what brought me here, in the mean time I'm just looking for a little advice.
    Ok here are some:
    IMO = In My Opinion
    PCT = Post Cycle Therapy

    Don't touch what you have, save it for another year or so.

    Research, read and read and read some more

    Make sure your diet is in check.

    Now, you have to make sure you can get more before you start. In a year, you might be ready..

  8. #8
    1badmofo is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the clarification and the advice guys. I appreciate it. Last thing, the exp date on the T200 vial is coming up this June. If I hold off, will it still be any use past that date?

  9. #9
    TheGreatOne is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1badmofo
    Thanks for the clarification and the advice guys. I appreciate it. Last thing, the exp date on the T200 vial is coming up this June. If I hold off, will it still be any use past that date?
    Teh you should be fine for a year or so..

  10. #10
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    these guys are telling you right 1badmofo. Don't touch the juice yet, you still have a good amount to learn. This is in your best interest. A good place to start is by reading the educational forum (read every post it doesn't take too terribly long) here is a link for you

    another place to start your research is by going to the main page and reading the drug profiles. These are in the process of being updated so some of the info is old on a few of the profiles, but it should get you started. another link

    finally, whenever you have a question, hit the search button and type in a few key phrases, or you can go to advanced search and do a title search. Either way most likely any questions you will ask have already been answered many times before so do a quick search before you ask.

    Welcome to the board, if you stick around and do some serious reading, it will change your life I guarantee it.

  11. #11
    EatRite's Avatar
    EatRite is offline Senior Member
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    if you are going to do it and not wait... dont use the same needle... at least get more pins... the bannar at the top of the page... sells them... at least do that... you can also get clomid and nolvadex there which you should take the nolva 10-20 mg every day during your cycle and take the clomid after your cycle (=pct)... look up those two names on the search button and see if youcan learn a thing or two... but go to that site if you are dead set on doing it... you can get these things off of there

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