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Thread: Deca Cycle Help

  1. #1

    Question Deca Cycle Help

    Have just started a 10 week deca only cycle. i am going up to 500mg a week and have read alot of people saying you need nolv and alot of people saying you dont.

    Help as i am unsure what to do or if to bring any other steroids into this cycle.

    many thanks stuart

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    1) don't do a deca only cycle. I did a deca d/bol cycle for my first and speaking from exeperiance i wish i include test. I lost my sex drive found it hard to get erection.

    2) don't take nolva with deca unless your including test then it is ok. If you run deca take 200mg of vitamin b6 every day

  3. #3
    You need to be using test with the deca. If you dont want deca dick.
    What have you used before and what are your stats?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    I wouldn't go longer than 8 weeks on Deca in that dose you're running
    or the PCT will be a headache for you, I would take some provirons if
    you can have a hand on them, it's gonna ease something if you're prone
    to gyno, and some small dosage of HCG in the middle also will help your
    recuperation after cycle. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    I took this off another site. You might find it interesting

    Nandrolone, popularly known as Deca, is a classified as a progestin. Deca derives many of its benefits from its progestenic nature: including, but not limited to, increase IM fat storage and increased fluid retention in the joints from glucocorticoid(GC) stimulation.

    Deca is the most widely used form of prescription contraception in the first world. Deca is superior to testosterone as a form of birth control because its progestenic effects which result in rapid onset of azoospermia. Progestins are used similarly in women, progestins given to women in birth control pills and other drugs such as norgestrel and norethidrone are classified as 19-nor-testosterone or 19 nor- progesterone derivatives. Natural progesterone plays an important role in sexual arousal- affecting GABA to a considerable extent. The addition of progestins like deca which compete with progesterone and decrease its production may result in drastically reduced sexual arousal. Interestingly enough, the chemical castration of sex offenders, is acheived through the use of a 19-nortestosterone derivative.

    This brings us to the second most common problem with the use of progestenic drugs like Deca, the breast tissue has both PR(progesterone receptors) and ER(estrogen receptors) and stimulation of either will result in new tissue formation and growth. This will vary considerably from individual to individuals based on the numbers and ratio of receptors in the tissue. Some individuals have more PR, which will make them more susceptable to Gyno. Another suspected factor is that there are slightly physiologically different PR, as well as ER and AR, which may effect binding and expression of synthetic progestins either positively or negatively.

    The use of Anti-estrogens and Aromatase-inhibitors will help by reducing stimulation of the ER in the breast tissue. However, those with high concentrations of PR or PR whose physiology allows for greater binding or expression of progestins will be faced with developing Gynomacastia.

    In short

    1. DECA dick is real

    2. DECA does cause Gyno

    3. DECA is progestin it must be fought with anti-progestins

    4. Use of Nolvadex and Arimidex will help, but only by reducing ER stimulation

  6. #6
    Im 5 8 and 182lbs with a bf of 12%. What test would you recomend (sus 250) and how much. Also how much deca would you involve and for how long.

    Why include 200mg of vitamin b6 every day.

    many thanks stuart.
    Last edited by stuey; 03-06-2005 at 09:10 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    you need to RESEARCH before doing something as serious as steroids. i would throw in test ASAP. i would suggest a long ester. test e or c or even sust* will suffice. maybe your cycle should look like this:
    week 1-10 500mg's test e
    week 1-8 deca 300-400mg's

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by stuey
    Im 5 8 and 182lbs with a bf of 12%. What test would you recomend (sus 250) and how much. Also how much deca would you involve and for how long.

    Why include 200mg of vitamin b6 every day.

    many thanks stuart.
    Use 500mg/wk of test e for 11 weeks and do deca for 10 weeks. Dont use sust unless you want to shoot it eod. Bro, it doesnt appear that you did any research before you started taking gear. If you just started, you should probably stop right now and spend some time on here researching and do it right. Deca alone isnt a good idea unless you dont wanna get a hard on for quite some time

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    listen 2 the dudes answers deca only is a no no u its best 2 use test with it

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