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  1. #1
    Testo^ is offline Associate Member
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    To all Ephedrin users..

    Hi, a friend of mine have just started using ephedrin, and its some questions he would love to get an answer at..

    1: He take 3 30mg tabs each day, should he take more ?

    2: should he take 2 at the same time before training ?

    3: Do he need to do 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off instead of just doing like 5 weeks on ?

  2. #2
    gixxer600 is offline Member
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    1. He shouldnt need to take more than that.
    2. Taking it about 45mins before training is excellent. Gives a really good energy
    boost for the workout.
    3. Two weeks off and on is a good idea. That way your body won't get used to the
    effects, and gives the ol heart a break for a bit.
    4. He should definatly stack it with caffene and aspirin.

    This is what works best for me IMO. on the two weeks off, I use clen . I've already lost close to 25 lbs in about a month and a half. I'm preparing for my cycle in april. This should help your buddy out a little.

  3. #3
    Testo^ is offline Associate Member
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    That is what i call a nice reply man

    Its 1 more thing..

    Is it ok to do like 1 tab 8 in the morning than 2 tabs 3 o clock and training 3.45 ?

    He think that sounds like a good cycle

  4. #4
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    Spread them out bro, no reason for 2 before a workout.

  5. #5
    gixxer600 is offline Member
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    Angel is right. There is no need to take two before a workout. I didn't notice that part of your question. If he is a first time user of ephedrine, it could be really dangerous, especially if he is going to be doing cardio. I usually take one before each meal. It supresses the appetite a little.

  6. #6
    Testo^ is offline Associate Member
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    Ahhh, ok, but Man, ephedrin REALLY worked great when he took 2 before training.
    I was training with him today, i was doing chest\tri training and he jogged.
    He jogged 24 minutes, and he is usually totaly tired after 14.
    I want to try it myself once, before strength training, does it work great when i use creatin with it ?

    And does it help the pump ?

  7. #7
    gixxer600 is offline Member
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    It doesnt really give you any type of muscle pump. Just more energy to give you a better workout. Just be careful though. A lot of people will get dependant on the the stuff. You'll notice that you'll feel tired and lazy at the gym when youre not usuing it. It happened to me a few times. You don't want that happeneing. Creatine is a totally different thing though. You really don't want to be using both of them together. It's really pointless. Ephedrine is a dieuretic, meaning that it sheds water from your body. Creatines purpose is to fill you muscles with water giving them a fuller look and more strength gains. You see what I'm saying?

  8. #8
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    gixxer thats true with the older creatines but the newer ones that are in v12 and the completely different CEE actually doesnt retain any water. Just creatine mono does.

  9. #9
    gixxer600 is offline Member
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    Really. I didn't know that. But taking the two is still kinda contradicting in my opinion. It seems as though he wants to loose weight, but creatine will only increase it.

  10. #10
    blaise cendrars's Avatar
    blaise cendrars is offline New Member
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    How is it you can loose fat with ephedrine, it's raising your heart rate and your metabolism turns faster, right? What else is it doing?
    I didn't know it was a dieuretic, it's fat and water you loose then?

  11. #11
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Its a thermogenic.

    And the creatine will help with retaining muscle mass while dieting and doing heavy cardio on ECA!

  12. #12
    Testo^ is offline Associate Member
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    Good replays, yes i do use V12 Turbo..

  13. #13
    saluu's Avatar
    saluu is offline Banned
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    but isnt ephedrine anti-catabolic so losing muscle mass would be hard. But i think a ph wont hurt i took 1 ad while on ephedrine and lost weight and kept the muscle .

  14. #14
    ChefJ's Avatar
    ChefJ is offline Senior Member
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    ephedrine does not need to be cycled on and off. Your body will not get "used" to it and slow down your metabolism after 2 weeks. ECY is better than ECA. Also its not a steroid so put this thread in the supplements forum.

  15. #15
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Chefj extensive use of ephedrine will make you a druggie and recuire higher dosages, so def cycle it.

    I take 50mg in the morning and 50mg-100mg before training.

  16. #16
    judge_dread's Avatar
    judge_dread is offline Member
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    50 mgs a day is too much already....

  17. #17
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChefJ
    ephedrine does not need to be cycled on and off. Your body will not get "used" to it and slow down your metabolism after 2 weeks. ECY is better than ECA. Also its not a steroid so put this thread in the supplements forum.

    I disagree, the body will get used to it, and its effects will get weaker after time- not as fast as 2 weeks though, I use it for a month or so and then take a break.

  18. #18
    Testo^ is offline Associate Member
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    Ok, i am kinda new to this so i dont understand that " metabolic " talk..
    Maybe its because i suck at english
    But anyway, Ephedrin dosent make you loose mucle mass does it ?

  19. #19
    njguy_2000us is offline New Member
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    No it will save your muscle. Ephedrine beside being known as a bronchial dilator is also considered anti-catabolic so it preserves the muscles from breaking down. Ephedrine opens up the adrenergic receptor sites in the heart and lungs which prompts your body to release fatty acids from stored fat cells & a quicker transfer of fat into energy.
    Ephedrine increases contractile strength of muscle fibers so you're able to lift harder & more. I usually start the day with 300mg caffiene, 25mg ephedrine & 325mg asprin, then right before lunch I do 200mg caffiene, 25mg ephedrine and then again 30-min. before I hit the gym I pop 500mg. caffiene, 50mg ephedrine & 325 asprin and have super workouts. Just be careful if you've got any history with family heart problems, high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacts, astma etc. I'd deff. proceed with caution. All the problems you hear with people who have bad reactions to it (stroke, heart attack, dehydration, death) have had preexisting underlying conditions that either they didn't know about or didn't care about. Be careful & be smart.

  20. #20
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testo^
    Ok, i am kinda new to this so i dont understand that " metabolic " talk..
    Maybe its because i suck at english
    But anyway, Ephedrin dosent make you loose mucle mass does it ?
    No but diet and cardio do, and i suposse you'll use them with the ECA

  21. #21
    XxElitexX's Avatar
    XxElitexX is offline Senior Member
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    1. He shouldnt need to take more than that.
    2. Taking it about 45mins before training is excellent. Gives a really good energy
    boost for the workout.
    3. Two weeks off and on is a good idea. That way your body won't get used to the
    effects, and gives the ol heart a break for a bit.
    4. He should definatly stack it with caffene and aspirin.

    This is what works best for me IMO. on the two weeks off, I use clen . I've already lost close to 25 lbs in about a month and a half. I'm preparing for my cycle in april. This should help your buddy out a little.
    so when your giving your heart a "break" you are taking CLEN!? LMFAO...unbelievable.

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