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Thread: Is this cycle right for me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York

    Is this cycle right for me

    I am 21 years old working out about 21 months now. 5'10 165
    BF% ?? not sure. I have been on the boards for about 2 weeks now and i have done a good amount of research theres still a lot for me to learn and im willing to learn, i just want to see if im progressing well and to see if i can apply what i learned. I have never done a cycle before

    My goals are

    1- to gain about 15-20 pounds of musle and
    most imporantly be able to keep about 15 pounds of it.

    2- to take gear that has the least amount of side effects or are at least controllable meaning that i have some power on preventing side effects.

    3- to not spend too much money i dont want to spend more then 350 but i understand that if you want to do the cycle right you are going to have to pay and if it comes to that im wlling to spend extra money as long as it will benefit me and get the job done.

    4- most important to make sure im doing it right. I am being patience and trying to learn as much as i an before i take anything. The first cycle is the most imporant and you only get one chance at it so i want to make the best cycle i can.

    The cycle im thinking about taking is
    winstrol/eq/test cyp

    weeks 1-9 test cyp 200 mg
    weeks 1-9 eq 300 mg
    weeks 6-12 winnie 50mg eod tabs

    I decided eq over deca casue of the following reasons
    1-deca dick 2-gyno is a possiblity even thought the mgs might not be high i want to be safe 3-it stays in your systme for 18 months.
    Eq will make me eat a lot thats fine and give me a nice vasuclaur look which is more along the lines of my goals plus help me put on some size
    the winni tabs i choose over injectiosn casue there cheaper and since its a 17aa steroid it will affect the liver either way, the depot can be used orally so it my mind its the same thing 50mgs tabs or a 50 mg injections is the same since u cn take boh orally I tated a hread about both of these and no one argued in diffence for winni depot. The winni has a short half life so it wont stay in my system after im done using it it will give me a nice cut up look and harden my muslces it also rns well with eq and deca
    Orginaly i want going to take test cyp but i heard its cheap and will help with my gains. The eq and winni will cause me to run on a very low Test-level and probably mess with my sex drive, and by supplementing the Test(even if it isnt a lot of mgs a week) in that cycle i will at least have a normal Test it is helpful with preventign side effects and helps wth strenght all in all its a great foundation for a cycle from what i read.

    Post cycle clomid start a day after winni casue winni has a short half life i read 8-12 hours take
    clomid week 1 100 mgs (5 days)
    clomid week 2-beyond 50mgs a day

    Liver guard is also imporant to have on hand
    I will be studying soon on how to properly inject myself and where etc im taking this one step at a time and first i want to find out what cycle is best for me. The only question i have is if im running the eq and test long enogh is 9 week good and if so why do i want to run it for that long ? Any other critizims advice or info is greatly appreciated. I hope i have learned a good amount of knowledge about steroids i want to do this right. Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Also drink plenty of water and be carefull with the winni drying up my joints the deca is good to combat that but i have my mind set on deca. Also the waer retention is worse in deca then eq lol im trying to think of everythign i learned and i kep rembering my stuff after i write it all down lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    what do you think about taking the winstrol ED instead of EOD?

    I think you should up that test to ATLEAST 400mgs/week preferably 500mgs/week

    eq would be better also at 400mgs/week instead also.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    dont you think that's a lil too much for a first time user? im going to do a similar cycle very soon and my dosages are fairly low. And he's 165, he should be able to put on 20 lbs with those dosages with the proper diet and training. I personally think 400mg test 400mg eq is alot for first time user. They should try low dosage first and if they're body ask for more than he should up it. JMHO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i think eq is good but test is too low even for a first cycle----he should do 400 mg per week test 10 weeks and keep eq at 300 for 10 weeks and winny ed for 4 to 6 weeks at end. when doing the clomid hit 300 mg the first day then the 100 mg for 7 days and then 50 mg 10 -12 days

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Isnt that a lot of test for a first cycle ? I am only doing it as a foundation for the other gears im taking. I heard test i could run as low as 200 and it can still cause some signicant gains. I am also only 165 i lift good for my size but i dont want to take too much mgs a week casue i feel maybe my body wont be able to handle it. Any other opioions are welcome and thanks a lot guys for responding to this thread i appreciate and repsect your opions and thoughs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    Originally posted by eradikate
    dont you think that's a lil too much for a first time user? im going to do a similar cycle very soon and my dosages are fairly low. And he's 165, he should be able to put on 20 lbs with those dosages with the proper diet and training. I personally think 400mg test 400mg eq is alot for first time user. They should try low dosage first and if they're body ask for more than he should up it. JMHO
    I don't think it's too much..The average adult male produces 150mg of test per week, so 200mg isn't shit...

    BTW...If i were you, I'd run my cycle as Iron horse suggested...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Its also a money thing i dont want to over spend. if i take 400mgs of test 500 of eq and 50mgs of winny ed that is 350 mgs a week the total comes out to 1250 mgs a week that seems like a lot to take. Could you give me a est price on how it would be if i did what ironhorse recommeds ???

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Calgary, Canada
    more juice!!!!!!!

    run at least 400 bare ass minimum for the cyp, pref 500
    and minimun 400 for the EQ, 600 would rock

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    thats mad man mgs right there lol i dont know if i have the size or money for that

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Anyone else have any opioions on how much mgs to take a week for each gear ?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i used to take small amounts and made small gains. the most test i ever take is 600mg or 3 cc front load for 2 weeks and 400 mg or 2 cc for 10 weeks. juice junkie has convinced me that i do way too little and thats why i only gain 8-10 lbs per cycle.
    so this time i am going to do 1200mg or 6 cc front load then 800 mg or 4 cc per week for 11 weeks. that is the norm for most lifters now.
    so the moral is 400 mg test only 2 cc per week is not too much it is lowest you should go. also run other stuff as said--you will be happy

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    weeks 1-9 test cyp 200 mg
    weeks 1-9 eq 300 mg
    weeks 6-12 winnie 50mg eod tabs
    so keep that the way it is but just change the vyp to 400 mgs a week ??

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