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Thread: uk needle mailing system

  1. #1

    uk needle mailing system

    hello everyone thanx for the welcome id just like you to know the uk needle exchange are trying to set up a mailing system for syringes and needles etc etc wich i think is fantastic news

    you become a member and have 2 agree to doctors test every other month you can get 10 needles sent to you a week sumthin like that for 2 mounths
    then you have a rest period for a mounth and a half were your not allowed to have any deleiverd

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Sounds good when is this being set up and what kind of tests are they at the docs?..

  3. #3
    there will be blood test nothin trastic but i think its a great idea the doctor is not your own gp its confidential the doctors and better be safe than sorry they dont preach not to do it they advis how to do it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    That what i want djwales i ask the n/ex when ever i go wether any tests could be brought in just bp would have been good but bloodworks even better when does this begin ? and is it national ?

  5. #5
    national i think mate but not sure if its due this year just in the idea stage i think its a great idea for all needle exchange to do bloodtest before you even get a needle in you

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