first off, i'd like to introduce myself. My name is kevin, im a 25 year old male, im a heavy equipment operator for a construction company outside of toronto. I live in beautiful niagara falls I work out for fun, i like being in good shape and able to take care of myself. Your body is your temple, worship it cuz its the only one ya get.
Anyways, i have a question to all the veterans out there, or to anybody who knows more about anabolics than i do. Any help would be appreciated.
A friend of mine is a horse trainer, and has told me he can get me winny real cheap from his father who is a licensed vet. He told me that it comes in a 64ml bottle. He has given me the option to purchase an entire case from his father at his cost. A deal like this sounds too good to be true...and it has made me think about hittin the juice again. Any suggestions or comments?
When i was 20, i did a fina/sust250/dbol stack, went from 175 to only 220 now, as that was my first and only experiences with steroids. I still go to the gym 5 days a week......ut summer is comming. I'd like to drop my body fat down abit more, and get tottaly ******
anybody heard of winny in 64ml bottles?
I'll get more info on brand name, manufacture what not, and post soon.
Thanks guys