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Thread: New Here....questions about Winny

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Niagara Falls Canada

    Question New Here....questions about Winny

    First off, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Kevin, Im a 25 year old male, Im a heavy equipment operator for a construction company outside of Toronto. I live in beautiful Niagara Falls I work out for fun, I like being in good shape and able to take care of myself. Your body is your temple, worship it cuz its the only one ya get.

    ANyways, I have a question to all the veterans out there, or to anybody who knows more about Anabolics than I do. Any help would be appreciated.

    A friend of mine is a horse trainer, and has told me he can get me Winny REAL cheap from his father who is a licensed Vet. He told me that it comes in a 64ml Bottle. He has given me the option to purchase an entire case from his father at his cost. A deal like this sounds too good to be true...and it has made me think about hittin the juice again. Any suggestions or comments?

    When I was 20, I did a fina/sust250/dbol stack, went from 175 to 235....Im only 220 now, as that was my first and only experiences with steroids. I still go to the gym 5 days a week......ut summer is comming. I'd like to drop my body fat down abit more, and get tottaly ripped

    Anybody heard of Winny in 64ml bottles?
    I'll get more info on brand name, manufacture what not, and post soon.
    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    if he's a vet and can get u the real thing for cheap, then go for it. make sure it's legit though. i've never heard of winny in 64ml bottles but i can't say that's not possible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    went from 175 to 235.... WOW!!!! what a gain...?...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    likely legit but I wouldnt be running winny alone

  5. #5
    If you can buy a case at cost, jump on it. If you can't use it all,you can make your friends happy to. At a profiet of course. Anyhow I live in Canada too, most likely upjohn in 50ml vials. I know farmers can buy it in litre bags also. 64mls sounds a little strange, and also winni by itself does very little unless your talking aout hairloss.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Niagara Falls Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Iowa Boy
    went from 175 to 235.... WOW!!!! what a gain...?...
    175-235 was done with alot of effort. I did cut my body fat by quite a margin, and I went from eating maybe 2 meals a day, to eating 5 full meals, and about 3 protein/calorie shakes a day. It was a great time I had no neck for a while.....but it was a goal and I acheived it with the help of a few "suplements" and my trainer at the time was riding me like a 10 speed. It was hard work. My food bill was by far the most expensive part......$100 a week on chicken, eggs whey.....yadda yadda. Dunno if I wanna do that again.

    after I came off....I dropped to about 215....but Im sitting at a soild 220 now. Im happy, but would like again to drop a few more %points in my body fat. Get ready for the beach....ya know?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento area
    Bro the winni will cut your ass up and you will lose fat at the same time. Cycleon is right about runnin test if you want to increase the effects of the winstrol. 64 ml sound like legit to me if its from the vet and for horses. Dont plan on shootin that vet stuff if you dont like pain. It will swell your ass up and hurt for at least a couple days. I would just drink it if I were you. check in with the vets on the brand name of the stuff before you injest man

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Niagara Falls Canada
    Drink it??

    are you serious???????????

    Thought this was for IM injections only?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by Glock-19
    Bro the winni will cut your ass up and you will lose fat at the same time. Cycleon is right about runnin test if you want to increase the effects of the winstrol. 64 ml sound like legit to me if its from the vet and for horses. Dont plan on shootin that vet stuff if you dont like pain. It will swell your ass up and hurt for at least a couple days. I would just drink it if I were you. check in with the vets on the brand name of the stuff before you injest man

    ahh the winny wonder kid speaks!! Watch out man this guy lost 30% body fat and also gained 40lbs of muscle in 6 weeks on winny alone!!!

    but yes you can drink the winny

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento area
    Make sure you take B12 and milk thistle to protect your liver if your gonna be takin winni.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Niagara Falls Canada
    Mix Winny & B12.......looks like Im shooting a strawberry Milkshake....hahaha

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by secretjuicer View Post
    first off, i'd like to introduce myself. My name is kevin, im a 25 year old male, im a heavy equipment operator for a construction company outside of toronto. I live in beautiful niagara falls I work out for fun, i like being in good shape and able to take care of myself. Your body is your temple, worship it cuz its the only one ya get.

    Anyways, i have a question to all the veterans out there, or to anybody who knows more about anabolics than i do. Any help would be appreciated.

    A friend of mine is a horse trainer, and has told me he can get me winny real cheap from his father who is a licensed vet. He told me that it comes in a 64ml bottle. He has given me the option to purchase an entire case from his father at his cost. A deal like this sounds too good to be true...and it has made me think about hittin the juice again. Any suggestions or comments?

    When i was 20, i did a fina/sust250/dbol stack, went from 175 to only 220 now, as that was my first and only experiences with steroids. I still go to the gym 5 days a week......ut summer is comming. I'd like to drop my body fat down abit more, and get tottaly ******

    anybody heard of winny in 64ml bottles?
    I'll get more info on brand name, manufacture what not, and post soon.
    Thanks guys
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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    deep in th heart of texas
    wowowoww..... your just straight up fishing huh? READ THE RULES !!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    hahaha seriously

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie_777 View Post
    hey man, thats a pretty sick deal. i also live in the falls n im interested in winny. if u do end up gettin the case im willing to buy off u. e mail me
    This is a 4 year old thread!! Delete your post and email address or you will get banned,

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  16. #16
    What is the B12 for? What if you dont?

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