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  1. #1
    vinny_vegas's Avatar
    vinny_vegas is offline New Member
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    Question Serious Back Injury

    I'm just recovering from a really bad back injury and I wanted to get some feedback from people who maybe seen something similar.

    The last cycle I did was back in may of 04, fina with nothing else.
    In september, I went to sleep one night, woke up the next morning and it felt like i was hit by truck. I didn't sustain any injury in the gym (that I know of).
    I couldn't walk properly for a few took about 2 weeks before i could go back to the gym. I felt as thought I never really recovered, I would get all kinds of back spasms but I continued to work out. I saw a chiropractor..he couldn't help me. In December I went to see my family doctor, and he sent me for a x-ray which came back negative. At this point he was reluctant to refer me to a specialist and told me to come back in the new year and he would look at me again.

    About two weeks into January, I woke up one morning. Couldn't move at all.
    I felt winded. The worst pain you could ever imagine. It felt like someone took a baseball bat to my legs. I had to be rushed to the hospital, turned out I suffered a compression fracture in my L1 vertebrae. The doctors had never anything like it. I was told this is not something that happens spontaneously, it's usually the result of a fall or an accident. Neither of which happend to me. My question is could juice have caused muscles in my back to crush my vertebrae

  2. #2
    gixxer600 is offline Member
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    Toronto, Canada
    Welcome to the board! I'm no doctor, but unless the fina made you grow like the Incredible Hulk overnight, there is no way the muscles would do that. I don't see it being juice related at all. All I could say I wish you all the best and good luck to a speedy recovery! Keep us updated.

  3. #3
    vinny_vegas's Avatar
    vinny_vegas is offline New Member
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    There was a lot of talk that I may not walk again because of the bone spurs putting pressure on my spinal cord. Because of the nature of the injury the neurosurgeon wanted to operate immediately. There was a high probability I would lose a lot of blood and being a diabetic, there was a good chance I wouldn't heal very quickly + all the other potential complications that go along with the surgery. I'm at the point where I'm learning how to walk again.
    It's amazing, I went from throwing around 300lbs + plus on bench to not knowing if I was going to ever walk again. I'm being told I'm looking at 12-18 months before I can make a full recovery.

  4. #4
    shrunkennutz116's Avatar
    shrunkennutz116 is offline Associate Member
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    dirty to tallyho
    i highly dout the fina had ne thing to do with ur situation. goodluck with recovering brutha

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